Today I link with Beth at Power of Your Love to memorize God’s Word.
Last weeks verse was:
Psalm 119:11
I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You. (NIV)
What a beautiful scripture! That is the prayer of my heart. I desire to have His Word on my heart and in my mouth. I also want to be a doer of the word of God, not just a hearer (that part isn’t as easy).
This week’s memory verse:
Isaiah 45:5
I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from Me there is no God. I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged Me. (NIV)
If you would like to join us, please click HERE. I get excited to see what new nugget of scripture I get to learn each week. This is awesome!
On another note, please bear with me friends. I just returned from a weekend away and haven’t had time to visit with you. I will catch up in a day or two. Have a super blessed Monday!
That is the prayer of my heart. I desire to have His Word on my heart and in my mouth. I also want to be a doer of the word of God, not just a hearer
amen amen amen
great verse to memorize after a weekend away! I hope you had a great time!
What a great verse!! I always try to be a hearer, doer and spreader of his word. Amen!!
Hope you had a great time!
Have a beautiful and blessed week 🙂
What a great verse, Beth, to tuck away in your heart! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Get rested up…you know where to find us when you return!
This is the perfect verse to begin my week.
Hope your weekend went well…
Awesome verses my friend. Indeed! Hope you weekend was fabulous!
I love last weeks verse. Is that bad to say? Does that mean I don’t love every word of the Bible. Maybe I should say, I was very familiary with last weeks and have it pressed on my heart.
Amen Amen Amen!!!
Looking forward to hearing all about your retreat!
mmmmm….. love scripture!
I hope you had a great time at the retreat! I look forward to reading goodies you might share from your experience. bet your daughter was glad to get a hug from momma too!
hugs, Deanna
Great job, Beth!!!
This is the desire of my heart–to have His Word with me at ALL TIMES–my heart, my soul, my strength!!
Take your time and enjoy being back home! Hope your time away was refreshing.
There are so many times when God’s word comes to our heart to convict, encourage us or give us direction!
BTW, someday when you have some time, would you please email me and tell me how you got the verses in those little blue boxes? You amaze me, girl!
Amen, it is the prayer of my heart also.
Great verse! I hope you have an easy time remembering it. And I hope you have a great week!
Thank you for sharing this with us dear sister.
Take a breath and enjoy your family and take care of YOU. Love you.
Love those verses, Beth!!!
Can’t wait to hear about your getaway! I bet you feel like you have so much to catch up on!! 🙂
You are so right, “only me.” I had to wonder what was I thinking to attempt that before church. That’s like the time I attempted to curl my hair before church with electric rollers, hated it and had to rewash and dry my hair very quickly.
What a beautiful verse!! Love ya sweet sister.