Today I link with sweet Beth over at The Power of Your Love to memorize God’s Word.
This past week, we had a simple scripture to memorize:
Exodus 20:8
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
It was no coincidence that this was the verse Beth chose for us to learn this past week. It seems like scriptures about the importance of the Sabbath have been chasing me around for weeks.
Several years ago when I held about 4 or more positions in church, Sunday was the busiest work-day of my week! I would arrive in the prayer room at 6:30am to prepare my heart, pray over the pastor with two other prayer warriors, then off to praise band set-up/practice, then choir, then SS, then 2 services, then back later that night for praise band practice, then choir practice. Does that sound like a day of rest to you?
Now, I don’t have any responsibilities on Sunday (other than preparing my family for church), yet I still find myself doing work around my house. I feel conviction if I start washing clothes or dust on Sunday afternoon. Am I being legalistic? All I know is I don’t REST. God gives us that day for a reason.
Matthew 22:37-39
Jesus replied: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ “
I can already tell you — I DO NOT always love others as I should. I look forward to meditating on this scripture this week.
I hope you’ll join us in memorizing God’s Word — just click HERE.
I have to keep myself in check every Sunday too, Beth. It isn’t always easy, especially when it seems like there’s so much to do.
But like the other nine commandments, that one’s there to keep us healthy and in a good place.
Tell you what: you help me, and I’ll help you.
Hey Beth, nice to meet you! Just wanted to thank you for stopping by our new little blog and look forward to getting to know you!
Well, you’ve gone and inspired me, again! You seem to always find a way, however great or small, to make me strive to be the best I can be, in God’s eyes and in the eyes of those around me. Thanks, sweet friend! Love that verse!
I’m in…I need to focus on this verse as well. I usually like to “love” folks as long as I feel fuzzy about them. As far as the Sabbath I use to have the same problem and had to SLOW way down.
Oh..BTW…I can’t pull the p key off…the keys are flush with the keyboard. I’m working off my son’s keyboard…thanks for the advice. Blessings.
I am guilty myself of not following that part-“love others”…But God wants us to spread His joy of love. It might improve the lives of others who are around us, without us knowing it. And that of our own…
Thank you sister Beth for sharing this verse for the week and I will meditate on it with a prayer for the Lord to continue to mold my heart. God bless.
I so agree! Resting is so important! We were not created to be workaholics and it is not a quality to be admired. Sometimes it is hard for us to see that God wants us to stop working for Him and rest because when we do, He can begin to work through us. We rest. He does the work. We get to enjoy being the vessel that the power of God is operating through.
Thanks for the encouraging Scriptures to start my day and my week,
I know exactly what you mean about Sunday my friend! It feels like there is always so much to do. May we keep each other in check :o)
Hi, I saw your comment over at the well and thought I would jump over and see what you were saying.
I so understand being so busy on Sundays, that I had a hard time enjoying church.
Come see what I am saying and leave a comment.
Thanks for joining in again, Beth!!
Yes, our Sabbath rest is so important–so important that God made it one of the Ten Commandments!!
Why? Why is it so important? So that we will be rested to perform His good works the rest of the six days!
I’m so glad God doesn’t become weary, yet even He made a day of rest for Himself.
So glad you shared this today! I NEEDED to hear that reminder from God. He had spoken that to me personally awhile back and I have slipped back into old ways on Sunday.
Mama to Noah, Celeste, and Jeremiah
I have felt the same conviction about resting on the Sabbath day. One thing I have learned is to truly rest, I need to be in preparation the day before. Maybe that will help you have a more restful day!
Our Sundays are kinda like that too!! When we come home after service, I don’t want to do much but veg out and get ready for the evening service!!
Thank you for sharing that verse in Matthew!! I needed to read that!!!!
HUGS, my friend!
Thanks for being so inspiring my friend, love you.
You always know how to “hit the spot” with the Scriptures you share.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, and I sure needed that!
I have a big respect on that verse, Exodus 20:8…
Have a happy Monday. 🙂
As you know, Sunday is a work day for my husband. But afterwards we do try to relax or fellowship with some friends.
Notice this verse says to love your neighbor “as yourself.” That means we need to love ourselves too, and that’s o.k.
We are to treat them as we wanted to be treated. But sometimes we don’t treat ourselves very good, do we?
This weeks verse is a great one but definitely one that needs to be worked on. Sometimes the people I meet make it hard to follow this scripture but I do keep it in my heart and make the effort. It does not come easy but I guess that’s makes it special when it is followed.
Sundays can easily become another work day for my family. With regular week day responsibilites and activities…the yard seems to run over into Sundays. We have tried over the past few years to keep Sundays for us and family time. That might include Roger and I just going riding, all of us watching a movie but my favorite…a long Sunday afternoon nap.
As for loving others…that is difficult at times to love someone and look past their flaws. I have to remind myself that I am not perfect and I want others to look past my faults too.
Great post, my friend!
I think God wants us to have a day of rest even He did after creation. 😀 I usually can be caught taking a nap in between services and just relaxing. 😀
I think many of us struggle with this Beth at times. You asked if you’re being legalistic? Legalism is present when it’s NOT about our relationship with GOD. I could go deeper but my point is that you are HEARING GOD (as you said that passages etc have been chasing you around as of late about the Sabbath) and He is working in your heart in that area.
Praise the Lord that wherever and whenever we are a bit out of balance He redirects us just as a parent does their child. Amen!
I love you girl and I too have to remind myself at times to REST in HIM on that precious day.