Wow, I thought it was hot for my girls back in May when I wrote the last update on my chickens, but here in July the heat is CRAZY! I feel sorry for them! Look at this temperature!
Some of the ways I have attempted to keep them comfortable is to spray their runners to give them a cool place to walk and stand. I have also provided extra water bowls.
I have three fans blowing on them and have given them cool snacks. Today they received watermelon!
Look at these poor babies panting.
My Buff Orpingtons are now 5 months old. The other chicks are 5 weeks behind them. Hopefully they will start laying eggs soon! I can’t wait until I find a green, blue, or pink egg!!!
You can find other chicken posts at the top of my blog under Chicken Love~
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Be careful with the watermelon!! 🙂 A couple summers ago, we gave our chickens watermelon… they ate so much the shells on the eggs just barely hardened in it looked like soft boiled eggs!! True story!! :o)
Beth–I’m going to spray my runs today–what a great idea! Summer heat was slow in coming our way this year but we have a scorcher of a weekend ahead. Gotta keep those chickens comfy!
It’s hot here too! I’ve been freezing giant ice cubes in quart-sized yogurt containers for their water and small water bottles for the nests.
Also, if you put fresh herbs in the nests, it will encourage laying as well as repel pests.
I hope you find eggs soon! It is a daily pleasure.
Poor chicks, I cannot imagine how hot it is there.