I, as many Americans and others throughout the world, am watching the inauguration of President Elect Obama. I don’t know what it is, but I can’t hold back the tears. It is an intercessor type of thing. I feel a weeping coming from deep within.

I keep looking at the faces of the young African Americans in the crowd. What are they thinking? This is such a miracle for so many of the people of color in our nation. On the other hand, I pray they all know that they can’t look to any MAN. No man can save this country. Only God. I wish I could have seen all of those people fall on their faces and cry out for this country. Now THAT would have been beautiful.

I love this country and I am so proud to be an American — home of the FREE. I am thankful for the people who have gone before us, fought in wars, and serve/served our country.

President George W. Bush and family — I am so thankful for your service! I’m sorry for all of the lies and unkind words sent your way. God knows the truth and He knows the difficult choices you had to make. Thank you for showing INTEGRITY in the office of President. It was needed! God bless you!!!

I am watching the Obama children walk in — they are so beautiful. God bless these precious children. They have no idea what they are about to face.

Did you see the masses of people chanting “Obama?” Would they gather to see Jesus? This is freaky really. I have such mixed emotions. I can understand the excitement. This is our first African American president. This is beautiful and I pray this will aid in racial healing in our nation. But it was almost over the top. Perhaps I am concerned about nothing … but spiritually, it just seems like there is some type of spell over the people. Am I nuts? DON’T ANSWER THAT QUESTION.

Now I am weeping for President George W. Bush. Did people give him honor? This inauguration is wearing me out.

May God place a prayer burden on the hearts of His intercessors concerning President Obama, his family, this nation, and the world.

1 Timothy 2:1-2 reads, “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

I feel drained over it all.

I’m sorry these comments are so random. I was typing as I watched the inauguration.