I, as many Americans and others throughout the world, am watching the inauguration of President Elect Obama. I don’t know what it is, but I can’t hold back the tears. It is an intercessor type of thing. I feel a weeping coming from deep within.
I keep looking at the faces of the young African Americans in the crowd. What are they thinking? This is such a miracle for so many of the people of color in our nation. On the other hand, I pray they all know that they can’t look to any MAN. No man can save this country. Only God. I wish I could have seen all of those people fall on their faces and cry out for this country. Now THAT would have been beautiful.
I love this country and I am so proud to be an American — home of the FREE. I am thankful for the people who have gone before us, fought in wars, and serve/served our country.
President George W. Bush and family — I am so thankful for your service! I’m sorry for all of the lies and unkind words sent your way. God knows the truth and He knows the difficult choices you had to make. Thank you for showing INTEGRITY in the office of President. It was needed! God bless you!!!
I am watching the Obama children walk in — they are so beautiful. God bless these precious children. They have no idea what they are about to face.
Did you see the masses of people chanting “Obama?” Would they gather to see Jesus? This is freaky really. I have such mixed emotions. I can understand the excitement. This is our first African American president. This is beautiful and I pray this will aid in racial healing in our nation. But it was almost over the top. Perhaps I am concerned about nothing … but spiritually, it just seems like there is some type of spell over the people. Am I nuts? DON’T ANSWER THAT QUESTION.
Now I am weeping for President George W. Bush. Did people give him honor? This inauguration is wearing me out.
May God place a prayer burden on the hearts of His intercessors concerning President Obama, his family, this nation, and the world.
1 Timothy 2:1-2 reads, “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.“
I feel drained over it all.
I’m sorry these comments are so random. I was typing as I watched the inauguration.
Not random comments my sister, putting into words what I think we were all feeling. Watching the people and especially the Obamas during Rick Warrens prayer. Wondering if they were in prayer to the Father, or eager to change the world…wondering if they understand that only the Father through them can change the world…
You expressed many of my own sentiments exactly. I teared up as well during the moment. But I know that no man can solve our problems; only God. I think too many people are expecting our new President to make everything OK. It is a historic moment to see thouogh.
Hi Beth! I saw that you became a follower of our blog….that’s great! So, I’m popping over to check out yours. I actually missed most of the inauguration, but I am sure I will catch the “re-run.”
One thing that is so awesome, that really keeps my heart and mind steady, is the fact that God is Sovereign and He is in complete control. I had to keep reminding myself of that during the campaign.
I can’t remember the reference, but God’s Word says that He raises up rulers, and He casts them down. So I know it’s not a mistake that Barack Obama is our new president. And Barack Obama’s heart is in God’s hand, and He will turn it wherever He wishes! Proverbs 21:1.
So, I just encourage you to trust in God’s sovereignty, power and perfect plan for our lives and for this world. And God can use any ruler – no matter what our opinion is of him – to do His will.
I keep thinking of more and more things to say, but I think I will just write my own post about this with more scripture references and encouragement. So, hopefully you can pop over again sometime and check it out : )
Thanks so much! God bless…
Makes me glad I’m not famous-DRAINED-a good word for it all…
Those comments made perfect sense and were in a good order. I am so glad to see someone else write what has been on my heart for a few weeks now listening to peoples views and theories, dismay and hopelessness about this presidency. I was confused and disheartened because I too feel scripture calls us to pray and work with the people and love each other.
Great posts.. joining you in prayer and sharing heart break over the misdirected hope and praise
Hi Beth,
Thank you for your very insightful post! It has really been a day of reflection…being thankful and proud to be an American. I was so very proud of former President and Mrs. Bush and their graciousness to the Obama family. They made every effort to make the transition such a smooth one for this first family. They served us well!
I pray for President Obama and his family. They are entering this monumental task and I say they, because it truly is a family journey, in which the whole family will need God’s blanket of protection at all times wrapped around them. I pray that President Obama will seek God’s wisdom in every decision that he makes.
Thank you so much Beth for always bringing to light what so many of us have on our hearts.
Beautifully written Beth. I couldn’t have said it better, especially your comments on President Bush.
I too am praying for now President Obama and his family, praying they’re seeking GOD’s will and not their own.
I am right there with you. I will be praying for our new president…I too am grateful to President Bush and his family. They must be so tired. It has been long and not an easy term, but God bless them for never giving up. THey have class!
I didnt watch it on purpose… I still have such animosity towards this man whom I do not think is a Christian (controversial, I know) I you and many others have siad it well… we gotta pray for him!! He needs it and so does this country. I WISH that many people would be lined up to see Jesus!!!
Many blessigns!
You have expressed my heart here today…exactly.
Blessings to you, my sweet sister.
Beth you are correct in the worshipfulness of the masses today, I saw it too. NO President Bush was not honored but again the people demanded a king and so have gotten one.
I am praying daily and tomorrow will give my thoughts on our new President. Thank you for your beautiful words.
I know exactly what you are feeling, me too. One day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess…..
I have heard Oprah call Obama Messiah…. my jaw dropped. I have not been able to watch her since.
I am so skeptical of Obama, I just don’t trust him and having Rick Warren, was he serious or was that to win the Christians??? I don’t know….it sure will be interesting the next 4 years.
It is such an uncertain time but lets hope, things will get better.
Hey Beth,
I also posted today on the inaugration….
I see this day in a little bit of a different light than you posted here.
I understand and can see your point as I share the same core conviction of the Christian faith with you.
But, when I saw the crowd rally today as Obama was sworn in – especially the black community… I see them shouting for joy, for a dream that they never thought would come to pass! For the blacks to rejoice for the mere sake of rejoicing… I say let it be~ whether or not give the joy was to God or not, and whether or not Obama's words and actions mesure up to the faith he proclaims he follows as a Christian.
I see this day more as a 'shout out' for the black community as they witnessed a day in history in the land of the FREE, where they had to actually fight for their rights to be free, but more importantly for whites to recognize that they were human too. And for the many blacks all over the country who have cried out to the Lord for years upon years asking God to open the eyes of those (especially the whites) to not treat them of less value just because of the color of skin God gave them ~ this is a major day for them (as well as whites) as God spoke to the Land of the Free, that He has no favorite color amoung the human race that He created, as we watched the "impossible" happen today in a country where a black man took office… and he and his family will now live for the next 4 years in the very grand home that the black slaves built themselves long ago. What an incredible movement of our Lord!
I agree, let's pray. I even made a comment to my husband today that I just wonder if we still will be living here on earth and witness the very day our Lord returns.((???)) ~ (Times, just seem real crazy these days.)only God knows :O)
and I have a sad confession to make…. I've never really supported our government or past presidents in prayer before. I feel a little guilty to finally feel compelled to just 'now' want to diligently bathe our new president in prayer for wisdom and blessings, just because he's a man who holds some personal convictions that don't seem to really fall in line with the Word of God. I should be praying for our government all the time no matter 'faith' someone holds.
Hugs & luv, Deanna
ps– as you may have seen at my blog… we are a homeshooling family. I have a new love for learning (hated it when I was in school, lol)… but history is so much more interesting to me now! We don't study it from text books full of only facts and dates, but rather learn as read living books. (Biographies, auto-biograhies, fiction history novels).
One of the most life changing novels I've ever read (written for the middle/early high scool students- but for the adults too :O) it was about Early American History (slavery) an auto-biography book called: AMOS FORTUNE.
Another book, modern day biography written by 2 friends, one a white man and one a black man – you'll find at the Christian book store or even at Walmart's top seller books shelf- it's called: SAME KIND OF DIFFERENT AS ME. If you haven't read this, o, please do. I really think everyone in America should read this one. grab tissues for this book.
luv & hug, Deanna
I felt the same yesterday. I was saddened when President Bush departed. I saw the look on his face when he left and hugged president Obama. I am sure he had mixed feelings. Did he have relief or is he feeling he has kept us safe, knows what could lie ahead and is sad to know it is now out of his control? I don’t know but I thank him for his service. I do think we have made great strides in this country, as shown by this election, but Obama’s election has also freaked me out. Not that he is a black man, but the way he is idolized. This man comes from nowhere and all of a sudden the world worships him. I watched a little of the National Prayer Ceremony this morning. A woman preached the sermon but I did not hear one mention of our new President needing to depend on God and know that God is authority of all, not a man. All the woman spoke about was taking care of our neighbors and trying to be a friend to all. Well lady, there are some people we can’t just be cozy with. I did hear Franklin Graham say on Fox and Friends that all of our leaders and citizens need to get down on our knees to settle our problems. Amen, Franklin. I want to hear some of our other religious leaders say that, but it does not appear to be happening. God will continue to reject us as long as we continue to reject him.
Sorry, I did not mean to write a book. All that emotion is flowing out. I found your blog through Carolina Mama. Come visit me sometime!
Thanks for sharing Beth. My heart is so grieved too. Such a mixed bag of emotions!
Our only hope is Jesus! And I’m so glad we can stand on that.
You have such a sweet spirit about you! I love reading your posts!