Warning — sharing my thoughts in no particular order.
1. I love sitting in our dark den with the Christmas tree lights shining! So peaceful.
2. I am concerned about how cold it will be when we ride in on a float in the Christmas parade today! Oh, and it is supposed to snow while we are on the float. Great …
3. Do you ever feel like you are going through the motions at church? Ok, it is 10am — time to sing “x” amount of songs, then offering, then message that will last until “x” time. Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful for the freedom that we have at our church. We are with people who believe in the full word of God (thank You Lord). But (ok, you knew there was a “but” coming didn’t you?) I still see so much control everywhere I go. Seeker friendly you know … wouldn’t want to scare off anyone. Does ANYONE OTHER THAN ME have a problem with the “seeker friendly” mentality? I’m beginning to think there are only a hand full of people who have a bad taste in their mouths about those words.
Seriously, WHERE is this biblical? When did we ever see Jesus stop what was happening in the event someone might be frightened? Did He ever say, “Oh, wait little demon possessed person — we must deal with you when there is only mature believers around.” No, He dealt with everything as it appeared.
There is a place near our home where a lot of people from different churches go to get “equipped” and learn from others who are like pioneers in the Kingdom. I am grateful to have that deep well to drink from, but I want to see every church have that type of freedom.
I was a pastor’s intercessor long enough to know how pastors walk on egg shells to protect their “jobs” and their “lives” from the sheep or denominational “leaders” above them. Maybe I am a rare breed out here, but I want to hear what God has placed on a pastor’s heart THAT day. Ok, one could argue that God knew who would be at church a month ago when a “series” was planned, but … does anyone know what I mean? I really must be an odd ball.
Are “series” like the latest trend in churches now? I think I must rebel against the newest and latest/greatest trends to draw people.
The fact is this. I AM HUNGRY FOR GOD! I don’t want to go through the motions. I want to meet HIM each day and especially when I am gathered with His people. I want more. I continually want more and don’t understand those who are satisfied with the status quo. If you are happy going through a certain number of songs, a scheduled amount of time for a sermon — please explain why. When/IF God shows up, people don’t want to leave. I don’t know — maybe it is just me. I am not blaming pastors. The sheep are the ones who aren’t asking for more. The sheep are happy with what churches produce today. Well, some sheep are … baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
4. I have gotten off track with my Christmas shopping. I was doing so well. I must start again this week! I do NOT want to be shopping on Christmas Eve.
5. Humbling confession. I haven’t worked out since September and have been eating B A D food! Thanksgiving must have been the tipping point. Explain this to me. How can a person be in the same size jeans (though they are much tighter than before) and look 30 pounds heavier? Oh well, no whining. I did it to myself and have gotten back on track this past week.
6. I haven’t even taken a picture of us for Christmas cards and it is December 4th! This should have been done in November. Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Enough rambling. I must get my day started. Seriously, if anyone has any answers for #3 — don’t be afraid, just put it out there for me.
I’m not trying to be controversial, but I’m also not trying to be “PC” about everything either. My 3rd thought has been on my heart for YEARS. Trust me.
I won't get started with a ramble of my own — that could take days!!
But – I hear you and my spirit resonates.
With you on #3 just not sure how to fix it. Boycott, maybe? LOL. I'm not a fan of seeker-sensitivity. I think if we were really being "sensitive" to seekers' needs, we would SENSE that what they really need is to see God move (HOW EVER HE wants to move). But, that's just my twenty-two cents!
Also with you on still not having a Christmas picture. Maybe I should take yours and you should take ours tonight! Love ya, girl
ABSOLUTELY with ya, Beth. I want to hear His word. Not crazy about seeker-friendly either.
YES! There have been times at our church that the Lord is speaking through someone, and our pastor sticks his 2 cents in and quenches it. AHHHHH I want to tell him to be quiet and let God talk. Who cares if the clock is running. Grrr.
The only thing we need to be more
sensitive to is the Holy Spirit.
How can we expect Him to work
among us when the whole church
service is timed, planned, and
predictable? I enjoy watching
The River at Tampa Bay, which is
Rodney Howard-Brown's church. You
can watch it online 24/7. They
let the Spirit dictate the service
which usually lasts 3-4 hours. If
I lived closer I'd go there for
sure. That said, I love my pastor
of the last ten years and we have
church here in our home due to our
oldest son's autism. We have a great time. There's a great church
that may be near you. It's All
Nation's Church in Fort Mill.
Mahesh Chavda is pastor and it's
very much like The River. Ever been there?
Beth you are NOT alone. I can't stand this whole seeker friendly mentality, our home church didn't do it when we were still there. Being stationed in Germany we attend the Protestant service and most the chaplains are Baptists and most seem to have the same idea of preaching what GOD has placed on their heart. I love and thrive on the sermons that challenge me, that make me go home and open my bible and make me dig deeper. I don't need to have my hand held, I don't need to be "played to", etc. I need to hear the TRUTH, not a pretty and nice version of it. I WANT to be called out on my sins and be a little uncomfortable in the pew, because GOD just pointed out what I'm doing and it's not in his plan. I need that, I think we all need that if we're truly his children.
Puhleeze, don't EVEN get me started on the subject of #3!!! We recently changed the order of our service – actually eliminated some things – because some in the church felt our services were lasting too long. The pastor we have now does preach sermons based on a series…so did the pastor right before him. It's totally different than what our previous long-term pastor did, which was pray all week and preach on the message the Lord gave him. Back then, we had so many people coming to church we were setting up extra chairs to accommodate everyone. These days we have several empty seats on Sundays. Hmmmm….
Girlfriend, we are so like minded. If you visit my church, you can expect worship to last NO LESS than ONE HOUR! Yep, one hour worship. And no one ever wants it to stop. I am so fortunate to have a Pastor who listens to the Holy Spirit. He's tossed his sermon many times and we've done Fire Tunnels instead. I don't get the seeker mentality. It just doesn't make sense. I mean, Jesus was BOLD!!! Praying for encounters for you my dear friend!