Remember when I purchased our last 6 chickens? They were such cute little chicks! We held them as much as possible — attempting to tame them.
Our Rhode Island Reds aren’t that cuddly, so we had hoped that our Buff Orpintons, Silver-Laced Wyondottes, and Ameraucanas would fill that void.
Well, let me tell you! Does this chicken look like she wants ANYTHING to do with me? I tried everything I could think of to get her close to me for the camera. How rude! She is actually leaning away from me.
After I saw my expression I thought it would give you a smile.
Well, I feel the same way about you Sista!
Sigh …
Proverbs 17:22
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Laughter is good for us! I hope this silly face gave you a smile today.
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Thanks for the laugh!
Too cute Beth! And I love the reminder that laughter is good medicine. It’s always good to see the humor in most situations.
You made me smile, thanks.
Cute photo! Chickens look like they should be cuddly…but they’re not. They’re just too busy for a hug.
🙂 That is very cute, Dear.
You’re braver than I; I’d never let a chicken that close to my face!