Remember when I purchased our last 6 chickens?  They were such cute little chicks!  We held them as much as possible — attempting to tame them.

Our Rhode Island Reds aren’t that cuddly, so we had hoped that our Buff Orpintons, Silver-Laced Wyondottes, and Ameraucanas would fill that void.

Well, let me tell you!  Does this chicken look like she wants ANYTHING to do with me?  I tried everything I could think of to get her close to me for the camera.  How rude!  She is actually leaning away from me.

After I saw my expression I thought it would give you a smile.


Well, I feel the same way about you Sista!

Sigh …

Proverbs 17:22
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Laughter is good for us!  I hope this silly face gave you a smile today.

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 Have a super blessed day!