Oh, you guys are going to love this Vlog. First, let me tell ya that I’m linking with Tim at Fort Thompson for his Vlogemotion carnival. Second, my buddy Nan at MomstheWord informed me that she didn’t know we had cows (as a matter of fact, Tim said the same thing) and wondered why she hasn’t heard any “mooing” in my vlogs. So Nan, in your honor — I have recorded some MOO’s. (The cow whose “mooer” got stuck is named Mabel. We bottle fed her when she was born). Third, for my non-blogger friends — pause my playlist at the bottom of my blog so you can hear the cows.
Tim decided this weeks theme would be SURPRISE! Well, even though I didn’t plan it, the bull continued to SURPRISE me. So I guess this falls in line with Tim’s theme, right?
Now, just so you know: The BULL, the BIG BLACK BULL kept trying to put his head in the Kubota with me! You couldn’t see him on camera because I kept freaking out and pushing the pedal down to escape. His head is as big as my torso folks. I am terrified of the bull. So EVEN THOUGH I FORGOT to mention my emotion on film, I think it is safe to say IT WAS FEAR while I was recording my vlog.
Enjoy a good giggle. BTW … my daughter is not calling “Daddy” she is saying “Reddy” … her name for a cow we call Red. Also, there is a very suspicious sound as my daughter bursts into laughter. I’m not sure if it was her or a cow. Hmmm. Sorry. lol
For more posts (that most likely will not contain cows or obscene sounds) visit Tim HERE.
Oh my! I love the Moos and the giggles coming from that precious little one!!! 😉 So glad that Nan made you get out and record the Moos!!!
And the puppy that you thought was sooo sweet is called a Golden Doodle..One of our front runners for sure!
Hahahaha! ROFL! That was hysterical! I can't believe you risked your life for me, girl! Lol!
I heard lots of "moos," and with a southern accent too. Who knew?
Thank you from the bottom of my moo-less heart. BTW, how did you get out of there anyway?
The closest I have to a vlog is that video of my son and I on my facebook and my son is coughing, not mooing. Will that do?
Love ya!
~ Nan
Woo Hoo, I love it, lol
LOL!!!!Just wondering, how fast can that Kubota go? Did you go faster when you signed off? 🙂 Man! I hope you found your way out but thank you for all the "mooing"…God bless. Your daughter's laughter is also contagious.
Love it!
Funny stuff.
Collette xx
What a great vlogpost! So reminded me of the days i went and helped my papa on his farm working the cows.
Then again, I love ALL of your vlogemotions posts! They are so great.
Thanks for another great post and dont forget to link up!
Love and Prayers,
I didn't know you had cows. Love the video.
That was so funny! So glad that you are safe.
Girl, you and your princess were SURROUNDED by cows! I would have freaked out a bit, I think! They were everywhere and even trotting after you! You are two brave girls, no doubt about it! Oh, to live in a beautiful serence place like you, cows and all…I'd LOVE it! Have an awesome Thursday!
You deserved an award for that video Beth. 🙂
Loved the cows and moo's…Hope the "big black bull" doesn't get you. No need to fear Abba was with you. 🙂
Andrew and I loved this vlog. I seriously laughed out loud and Andrew is still jabbering about them. He pointed and pointed at the cows and smiled at the moos. I will have to play this for him again!
I know if you are afraid of the bulls, I have a very good reason to be as well.
This is hysterical. I'm at work (working HARD, of course), and had to check out your vlog. I am sitting here cracking UP! Funny thing is, even though I'm not around any cows, the "strange noise" that you recorded is heard frequently around my three guys! LOL
Good job, sistah…
That was priceless!
Thanks for the morning giggle!
Love you and your daughter's laugh was the best!
What a RIOT!! Ohhh my! You are a brave soul, Beth! hehe
This was so funny. I love hearing kids laugh! Great vlog! Your best one yet! Still laughing!!!
Oh my. You entered one of my childhood fears that very well could still be with me but I've never tested it. Growing up, I would visit my uncle's farm quite a bit. He had cows, cows, and cows. Horses, and pigs. I would have dreams all the time of me being in his pasture and running to get onto the fence. I'm sure this fear still resonates in me as I felt a little of it jiggle in me during this clip. The ones of the cows being close, and just the fact of following you…oh my. THen the big bull following you. I think I would feel okay on your Kubota BUT if I had to get out to open a fence with the cows near, i would freak out. I would freak out if I was not in a vehicle or contraption of protection.
Thanks for sharing as it was fun to relieve my childhood (and still adulthood) fear of cows.
Oh, your baby girl's laugh was precious.
I had to take my gadget off cuz it was doing that operation aborted stuff. but you can still follow me by clicking on the follow this blog tab up top in the nav bar!
would love it 🙂
That was cute, Beth. You are very brave! I could tell you were scared. Your little daughter is cute.
That's so funny!
Oh my, there were a LOT of cows there a mooin'. I would have feared that bull, too. Your daughter is precious and listening to her giggle was fun.
I am telling you right now girl..I WILL not get in that thing with you when I visit you..LOL LOL…ya,,I just invited myself to your place,,lol
Awww…I love cows! I had a friend a long time ago that had them and I always loved going to their farm to feed the babies.
That was a great video…. you are too funny!
Soo glad you made it okay! Whew…Your prayer for the Lord to protect you from that bull worked! Awesome! Have a great Thursday sister Beth.
I'm cracking up, you crazy farm girl! That was so funny and cute.
Glad you got outa there safe.
Respect da bull! That's a good thing to remember.
Hope you are all well. Your little girl is just adorable. I'll say it every time I see her. She's so cute.
Take care
I heard plenty of moos. This video was so cute even though I know you were a bit scared of that bull. But you gave us a laugh and a glimpse into your life. So Beth, thanks for what you go through for your blogging buds. Love you.
Well this certainly did make me smile. You are one brave "cow-girl" blessings on you this weekend:)
You are one brave lady! HAHA Great fun!
I'm sorry but I couldn't help but laugh. I guess I'm quite the opposite when it comes to bulls. A friend of mine owns cows and their bull Zudo is the biggest baby you would ever want to know n he's a texas longhorn 😀
Thanks for sharing this to us, Beth. I love it. 🙂
What a hilarious vlogemo!
From the bull to the toot (LOL!) to mabels moo!
You are one brave woman!!!
That was too fun! Your little girls giggles are precious! I love the hey can you get me outta here comment.