Well, today has been interesting. It started out with someone calling with a request: Could you pick up something for me at the store? Uh, yes. Ok, I need a jar of Vaseline and some Preparation H.

Scream. NOOOO! What a combination! Would you want to walk into a store and buy a JAR OF VASELINE AND SOME PREPARATION H? LOL. I had to think fast.

I went to the grocery store and filled up the cart with other assorted items so I wouldn’t look like some type of freak.

On a totally different note, I LOVE SOME OF THE NEW CARS on the road! I am NOT a car person! I love to sit up high, have 4 wheel drive — and did I say, SIT UP HIGH? But these cars must touch the little bit of 1980’s redneck teenager left in my system. Finally, some cars that resemble the old muscle cars:

I won’t be driving one, but they definitely get my attention.

This afternoon a guy from my parent’s church visited while I was there. He came with a map of where their burial plots would be. Normally that would have made me emotional, but after the shopping request earlier in the day, I was feeling weird/giddy/numb. ??? Anyway, the guy “Dan” pointed out that my parents would be buried at the feet of my Grandmother and Grandfather. Being the thoughtful child that I am, I said, “Well Mama, you are finally under Grandmother’s feet! She waited a long time for this to happen.” LOL Mama laughed. She and Grandmother K. (her MIL) had a love-hate/somewhat love relationship. At the end, things were peaceful, but boy did my Grandmother put my Mama through the daughter-in-law loop! Is that in the MIL handbook or something? hee hee

I could go on with my little shop of horror experiences today, but I’ll spare you.

The weather is great! I need to walk on my treadmill, cook supper, and take Princess out to ride her bike. Are there enough hours left in the day?