Well, today has been interesting. It started out with someone calling with a request: Could you pick up something for me at the store? Uh, yes. Ok, I need a jar of Vaseline and some Preparation H.
Scream. NOOOO! What a combination! Would you want to walk into a store and buy a JAR OF VASELINE AND SOME PREPARATION H? LOL. I had to think fast.
I went to the grocery store and filled up the cart with other assorted items so I wouldn’t look like some type of freak.
On a totally different note, I LOVE SOME OF THE NEW CARS on the road! I am NOT a car person! I love to sit up high, have 4 wheel drive — and did I say, SIT UP HIGH? But these cars must touch the little bit of 1980’s redneck teenager left in my system. Finally, some cars that resemble the old muscle cars:
I won’t be driving one, but they definitely get my attention.
This afternoon a guy from my parent’s church visited while I was there. He came with a map of where their burial plots would be. Normally that would have made me emotional, but after the shopping request earlier in the day, I was feeling weird/giddy/numb. ??? Anyway, the guy “Dan” pointed out that my parents would be buried at the feet of my Grandmother and Grandfather. Being the thoughtful child that I am, I said, “Well Mama, you are finally under Grandmother’s feet! She waited a long time for this to happen.” LOL Mama laughed. She and Grandmother K. (her MIL) had a love-hate/somewhat love relationship. At the end, things were peaceful, but boy did my Grandmother put my Mama through the daughter-in-law loop! Is that in the MIL handbook or something? hee hee
I could go on with my little shop of horror experiences today, but I’ll spare you.
The weather is great! I need to walk on my treadmill, cook supper, and take Princess out to ride her bike. Are there enough hours left in the day?
Oh my goodness you made me laugh!! I would have filled my cart up with a few extra things too!! Hope you enjoy the rest of your day!! 🙂
That is soooo funny! I might just get Vaseline and go back a few days later for the Prep. H. LOL…
You always crack us up! My son is still at school. He would love to see these cars you posted. He's into those things since he was little. He designs his own in the computer. Take care and God bless.
I was hoping you would fill us in on the items after seeing your FB status. That is funny and embarrassing all at the same time….well, not embarrassing for me because I wasn't the one hiding them among other items. Wonder what the cashier thought of you!
Wow, that quite a request list, you're a brave woman!
Love those cars & the fact that it looks like all (or most) of them are American!!
When you get to be my age, you won't care what the cashier thinks. You'll slam that jar of Vaseline down and throw the tube of Preparation H beside it and snarl, "Yeah, they're mine, bucko, but you better not say a word. I'm already feelin' pretty irritated today!" HAHAHA…sorry, I couldn't help myself!
In fact, once you're my age you'll intentionally purchase strange combinations of items, just to see how the cashiers react! 😉
See what you have to look forward to? lol
This post brought a HUGE smile to my face!!! Loved the part about the burial plots and the drugstore items, oh my!! Sad to say, I can relate to needing those. ugh! LOL…you're too cute! Love ya!
Too funny with the vaseline and Preparation H!!! And hey! those cars are beautiful, huh?!
Funny, lol
That's like sending my Oh to get Lady things!!!
Boy did I need that laugh this morning. Thankyou for brightening up my day.
I saw a new camaro this morning and darn near wrecked because I kept staring at that instead of the road. And I still have PLENTY of 1980s redneck teenager left in me. As for the Vaseline and Preparation H…wow. I would do what you did and fill up that cart with anything. Everything.
Thanks for starting my day off with a laugh, Beth!
Oh, my dear Beth…that does sound like quite the eventful day. You handled it with such grace though, not surprisingly!
Have a blessed day my friend!
I'm curious to what prep H is! *Runs off to google it!
Have a great weekend!
I glad to hear your mother and grandmother made amends before she died. Life is to short.
I was blessed with a great mother in law. My wife and I had the privilege to lead her to the Lord and minister to her during the last few years of her life.
I hope you have a great weekend
Vaseline and Prep H? Oh my. I would have done the same thing…fill the cart with other essentials so it wouldn't be so noticeable! 🙂
Hugs and blessings.
Beth, your post made me smile. Thank you.