Hi Everyone. On Friday I asked all of you to please lift up a young mother named Karen.
She went home to be with Jesus.
Here is an email from my friend Joanne who had originally asked us to pray:
Karen passed away yesterday afternoon. I understand that she did go home to Jesus, for which I am thankful. I am also very thankful for your prayers. My sister-in-law sent a beautiful message that I wanted to share:
Today’s been really tough!! I’ve had alot of time to think about things the past few days. The most prevelent thought being….. WHY??? Why Karen?? She had so much to live for. She was young, had two children that needed a mother, a husband who depended on her totally while he was out earning a living, and friends/family who also relied on her. Why would God take such a special person? As I sat starring at my breast cancer awarenesss bracelet, this thought came to mind. The pink bracelet spoke of strength, hope, faith, and courage. I could not think of 4 more appropriate adjectives to describe my cousin, Karen. I really believe the Lord placed her on this earth to be an example to those of us who might be placed in a similiar situation at some point. We might even be able to utilize her story as we help others fight through the struggles of cancer. The bracelet is a great tribute to her…..she had the strength to endure this fight for 2 1/2 years, she had the hope that she could win this fight to the very end, she had faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and she had the courage to endure whatever treatment or procedure necessary to make it to the next step of her journey. I believe her story was lived out for reason and she has been a shining example of determination in the face of unsurmountable circumstances. I just hope that I, if faced with similiar circumstances, can live up to the standards set by Karen over the past 2 1/2 years. A shining example of STRENGTH, HOPE, FAITH, and COURAGE. Have a blessed evening and I love you all!! Masa
Please pray for her husband, young children, and family. Thank you!
I know her loss is felt greatly by many here on Earth, but just think of all the rejoicing in Heaven…she's HOME! I will definitely be saying a prayer for those she left behind.
I am so sorry to hear that Karen has gone to be with the Lord, but rejoice that she is with her Savior and no longer suffering. I will continue to pray for her husband and children.
Thank you so much for sharing this letter. Tears have welled up…
I am so sorry to hear of this! I will pray for her husband and children!
This is heartwrenching, Beth. I am praying for Karen's family.
Praying for comfort over Karen's family. Thank you for sharing it with us. God bless.
What a sweet email and a precious tribute to Karen. Even though it doesn't matter once we see the face of Jesus, wouldn't it be nice to know these things…to know the effect we have on others. But wait, we will by the words of Jesus "well done faithful servant." If we did "well done" by Jesus then we did "well done" by others.
Oh such sad news Beth for one so young. But at the same time, what a beautiful and heartfelt message. She obviously led a life that impacted others and is in the loving arms of her Savior.
It's so sad to hear stories like this. It's sad for everyone who misses her on this earth. I'll be praying, Beth.
Beth I'll be praying for those boys when I think of mine. For them to grow closer and stronger in the Lord instead of further away. Life is so hard, God is so able when we draw close to Him. Thank you for bringing this to us. Peace
Such sad news, but also cause for rejoicing. Continued prayers.
I will pray for her family and friends and that her legacy lives on in the lives of her children and those who knew her best.
Thanks for the update, her family is in my prayers.
I've been praying for this family, thanks for the update. So sad:( I will continue to pray for her family.