Ultimate Blog Party 2009

This is so exciting! This is my first official blog party! What should I wear? Does my hair look ok?

For my sweet friends who often read this blog and haven’t heard about the blog party — the purpose is to meet new friends! Be sure to click on the button at the end of this post to join the fun (there are PRIZES TOO).

For those who are new to my blog, WELCOME. Grab your favorite beverage and take a look around – make yourself at home.

My name is Beth. I am married to my high school sweetie, I call him Boaz (on blogland), and we have been married almost 20 years! We adopted our beautiful daughter (“Princess”) and can hardly believe she will be 4 this summer! I am a bit nutty sometimes (probably due to having a toddler at the age of 41 and elderly parents who keep me hopping) and to expose my silliness, I participate in the “Not Me” Monday blog carnival. If you want a good chuckle, find my NMM posts.

As if you haven’t noticed by my blog, I love the Lord! I am a Christian and it is my heart’s desire to know God and serve Him. I am what you see folks. :o)

We live on one of the few farms in our area. My husband’s great grandfather built our home back in 1900. We have crooked doors and crooked floors, but it is home. We live within the city limits of our little town, with apartments across the road from our house — but COWS, we have beef cows and a lot of scenery for the urbanites to enjoy. For fun, we sell pumpkins and Christmas trees — and this year we will have our first corn maze. The kids really enjoy coming here.

Last summer we had a special guest visit our farm and this picture was placed in her fliers and mailed out to the citizens of the USA. Maybe we landed in your mailbox as well. Of course this picture was taken before I lost 57 pounds (argh!). If you want to see what a FRUITY MESS I WAS when Senator Dole came to our home, click HERE.

I am excited to join the party and look forward to meeting some new friends!

To learn more about the Ultimate Blog Party, click on the button below.
Ultimate Blog Party 2009

UBP prizes that interest me:

1. #58 Kitchen Aid Artisan Stand Mixer provided by Moms Who Think

2. USC 58 handmade retro apron provided by Kati @ Country Girl, City Life and BoojiBoo!!

3. #19 $50 gift certificate to Target stores provided by Shoot Me Now

4. #21 $50 gift certificate to Target stores provided by Agoosa