This is on the front of a T-Shirt that I like to wear. It is really interesting to see the reactions on the faces of the people I meet.
The other day a man actually looked as if he was snarling as he read it.
The United States is not the same place I grew up. My daughter will know a different world as she matures.
The harvest is ripe!
I want to do so much more and reach more people, but I don’t know where to begin.
I have shared before that many Hindu people approach us about our cows. We have been asked for cow urine, dung (as they call it), and have been asked if our cows could be rented to go bless a new home. It sounds really out there for a small town country girl (well, woman) like me, but yesterday a woman’s visit touched me in a deeper way. I guess her words took me straight back to the Old Testament when God’s anger (as well as Moses’) burned towards the Israelites when they worshiped the golden calf. It is just hard for me to fathom that someone could worship a created being versus worshiping the CREATOR.
I heard the doorbell ring and noticed a beautiful Indian woman waiting at the door. She began to ask me about our cows and asked if she could give one a sacrifice. We have been asked this before so it didn’t shock me. Instead of immediately rushing her away, I began to ask her questions. I have often wondered why the people who run the temple don’t own their own cows and provide them for their people. Why do they worship something to which they don’t have access? She agreed and said that they apparently do bring in a cow for special ceremonies.
She continued to tell me that she wasn’t as religious as some and that the only reason she wanted to offer our cow some organic spinach was to receive a blessing. Her friend told her she needed to do that or bad things could happen, etc … She proceeded to tell me she was superstitious. Ugh … all of these scriptures were whirling through my mind, but I couldn’t just dump them on her.
I started telling her how much God loved her and that she seems blessed to me. She has a home, food, family … She agreed. I told her that we were Christians and that in the Bible the scriptures tell us how important the words are that come out of our mouths. I told her how we can “curse” ourselves and that I was going to break off all word curses spoken over her about something bad happening to her. And again, I told her how much God loved her.
Somehow in the conversation I told her that we love our cows and care for them, but we don’t worship them. I told her that those cows can’t bless her or give her anything, but God is the One who blesses and loves.
I asked her if I could hug her when she left so I did. As I hugged her I prayed out loud as I held her and broke off all word curses in Jesus’ Name, etc … I asked God to bless her.
I’m not sharing any of this to hear, “Well done Beth” because I feel like I dropped the ball. I wish I had said more. Of course hindsight is 20/20.
Back to my T-shirt. When I wore it last week I learned from a friend that FRANCE doesn’t allow people to advertise their beliefs on their apparel. It shocked me! It saddened me!
Luke 10:2
He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.“
Please pray for those who worship the creation versus the Creator. Please pray for those who don’t worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I pray God continues to reveal Himself to them through dreams and visions.
Thanks for visiting me.
I think you did a good job of sharing God’s love with the pretty lady. I hope God will bring those seeds you planted to fruition as someone else waters the seeds you planted.
You told her the truth…and I pray that The Truth will set her free!
That is awesome that she let you pray for her as you gave her a hug.
Have a blessed Lord’s Day…and a good week ahead!
Linda H.