I love confirmations? Don’t you?
Yesterday I wrote a post about our THOUGHTS growing and creating something just like seeds. If you missed that post, please click HERE to check it out.
I called my friend Angie (at Laughter Does the Heart Good) to discuss my post and she said I was saying something she had just read in a book that both of us had recently received. We were on Skype, so be both ran away from our screens to get our books. Last week I received a book by Dr. Cindy Trimm entitled, “Commanding Your Morning.” The only reason I wanted this book was to find a list of declarations in the back (inspired by the blessings in Deuteronomy 28). I didn’t even take a moment to look in the front of the book! Ha.
So Angie and I opened the book together and I couldn’t believe my eyes. Here are a few nuggets from Dr. Trimm.
Dr. Trimm discussed negative words that people speak over their lives: “If it is not one thing, it is another,” and “This is as good as it gets.” Sounds similar to some of my posts nailing home the importance of what we SPEAK. She said these folks are ignorant of the fact that they are victims of their own self-fulfilling prophecies.” I agree. We truly need fresh revelation about our words.
Yesterday I took it a step further to discuss how our THOUGHTS are like seeds.
We define our lives by our every thought and word. If we want our lives to change, it all starts with what we think and say. Dr. Cindy Trimm.
My “Sista” Angie really had some revelation about this. She has walked through two scary situations. Both were chances for her to walk in faith. One, she heard clearly from the Lord so she had no doubt. She stood on what He said to her and she couldn’t be moved. In the next situation, she spoke words of faith but her thoughts didn’t match her words. Her words were in alignment with the Word of God, but her thoughts didn’t match.
Our thoughts, intentions, motivations, and aspirations — whether they be secretly pondered in the heart, openly declared as desires, or formally written as goals — mold and shape our personal universe into something that is either grand and beautiful or base and hideous. What you harbor in the innermost corridors of your thought life will, sooner or later, reveal itself in the outer arena through your words or actions. Whatever is hidden will eventually be brought to life. Dr. Trimm
Doesn’t 1 Corinthians 4:5 state that God will “bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart” (ESV)? I am seeing this transpire right before my eyes.
Our thoughts are just as powerful as our words. Remember, Proverbs 23:7, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”
I have shared a this testimony a few times, but in case you missed it I will share again. Ryan Wyatt shared about a friend of his who had a powerful experience with the Lord. This man had his eyes opened to the spirit-realm for a certain amount of days. God showed him how demonic and angelic activity were drawn to people’s thoughts. When someone had thoughts of jealousy, hatred, and anger in their thoughts, some type of color and aroma surrounded them. He saw how demons were drawn to those people like sharks to blood. The same thing applied to people who had holy thoughts. Angelic activity was drawn to them.
Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
God gives us instructions about our thoughts for a reason. Our thoughts are powerful!
Our thoughts are seeds that take root.
They birth words — then actions.
In Matthew 12:34-35, “For whatever is in your heart determines what you say. A good person produces good things from the treasure of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasure of an evil heart” (NLT).
What occupies your mind determines what will eventually fill your mouth … Your thoughts provide the fuel for your words, and your words provide the fuel for your world. Dr. Trimm.
I have understood the importance of guarding my thoughts, but I believe the Lord is taking that revelation to another level. I think this is another KEY.
For those of you who are looking for KEYS to breakthrough, don’t just dismiss this post. Weigh it, pray about it, and take note of your thoughts.
God bless you today!
(Photo Credit: Dr. Cindy Trimm)
What an excellent reminder. Thank you, Beth.
You’re welcome Sheree. Thanks for taking time to read and comment. God bless!
“Our thoughts are seeds that take root.
They birth words – then actions.”
What a powerful message – one we all need to be reminded of, daily!
Thank you, also, for sharing the verse in 1 Cor. 4:5. I needed to hear that verse today.
You’re welcome Denise. I appreciate your visit and comment. Bless you!