Good morning Everyone!
It has officially begun! Our 2011 corn maze was explored by guests for the first time yesterday.
It was a HOT day, but many people braved the heat and joined the fun at our place.
Below is a shot of some guests climbing into our hayride wagon.
Our younger guests are enjoying the bounce houses, hay maze, hay mounds, play set, and more …
Below, you will notice a blue line going up into the sky. That is the lift that holds someone over the maze to make sure everyone is safe. Of course, you couldn’t pay me to be up in that thing!
I would also like to report our FIRST healing of the corn maze season! One of our employees was limping to her post yesterday. I asked her why she was limping and she replied that she had injured her leg Friday night. I didn’t ask her permission (oops) but touched the calf of her leg and prayed. I said, “Ok, now walk and see if it still hurts.” In amazement she said, “It is better!” I said, “Ok, let me pray again.” After the second prayer she was shocked and started laughing because the pain was GONE in an instant!
I get blessed more than the people experiencing their healing. The look on their faces is priceless and God receives all the glory! HE is the Healer. We are just the vessels.
Last year God touched many necks, backs, and legs! I can’t wait to see what He has in store for the people this year.
Please don’t give up on me. I WILL visit you when I have time. I miss reading your posts.
Have a baaaaaa-lessed day everyone!
Too fun! I am praying you have a successful and blessed corn maze this year. Looks like you are off to a fabulous start with the healing! Woo Hoo!
I can’t wait to drive by and see your healing line as long as your ticket line!!