Did you hear me scream yesterday morning, oh I don’t know — around 8:15 EST? Well, surely my neighbors did … at least the cows could have heard. Ok, so I didn’t scream out loud, but if brain waves could impact those around me — BAM!
Here are my list of excuses: I had some female stuff going on a few months ago. It totally got me out of the habit of working out, because I couldn’t work out at that time. It has been a good couple of months since I have worked out. STRIKE ONE!
Here comes the next excuse. Even though I have been eating healthy for over a year now, I have allowed myself the pleasure of chocolate. As a matter of fact, when I did the “Not Me Monday” meme — it provided great blog fodder — my pure obsession. Folks, I’m serious. It is an addiction, obsession, lust … LUST FOR CHOCOLATE. STRIKE TWO!
Well, as fate would have it, I found some DELICIOUS whole wheat rolls that I could serve with our meals. For over a year, I have pretty much cut out bread except for at breakfast. I have been slipping more and more WHOLE WHEAT bread into my diet. STRIKE THREE!
Now, the worst thing a person can do is avoid the scale. It really holds me accountable and helps me stay on course. Guess what? I haven’t weighed in weeks, well — until yesterday. Hmph! Folks, I am up a few pounds. Nothing drastic, but it got my attention.
Oh I forgot to mention the cakes, cookies, brownies, and pies that my MIL constantly brings into this house (though none of us need them). I taste a little here, nibble a little there. I AM TICKED!!!!
I, Beth _________ (sorry, too many weirdos in the world to give my last name – ha), being of sound mind, PROMISE to stop sabotaging myself! I am worth it dag nabbit!!!! I have worked too hard to stop now. I haven’t even reached my goal. I still have a good 30 pounds to lose.
So here is my pledge. Since I can’t seem to handle chocolate like a reasonable human being … I am going to leave it alone. (I’m shaking at the thought – ha.)
I also plan to drink my water again (Did I forget to mention I haven’t been drinking much water?)! I guess that is STRIKE FOUR!
God help me — I need to find time to exercise again.
So there you have it. Stay tuned to hear how this weight is going to melt off. But I guess I can kiss the “Fabulous and Fit by Fall” challenge to the curb. Hmph.
{Just a “p.s.” here. I typed this post yesterday and scheduled it for today. I hopped on the scale this morning and I am already down almost 2 pounds. I ignored all bread and chocolate yesterday. I ALSO DRANK MORE WATER.}
you can do it! you may have taken a detour but you're on the right path now!
Sweetie, you can, and will get back on course. I have faith in you, love you.
Don't worry…you'll get back on track. We all need to splurge every now and then!
I think we should be more happy with they way we are and along the way help ourselves feel and look better. The road for perfection is long and narrow and there is only one who can walk that road.
Have a great weekend!
It is very hard, you can do it!
Summer is hard with all the parties etc. and chocolate is a big challenge…. you'll do it and get back on track! :O)
you sound too funny. I think your sense of humor is the best. You can do whatever it is you want. Routing for you to keep moving towards your goal. Sarah
Hang in there! We all have our weaknesses. Try not to be too hard on yourself! And keep drinking that water. When I feel like snacking I fill up on water and sometimes (just sometimes) that does help. 🙂
OK Admitting it is the first step to recovery. Now stop beating yourself up, forgive, and move on. You have proved that you can do it. How about going for "Wow and Wonderful by Winter". You still will be fabulous by fall, because you are sensational in summer.
Beth i don't even own a scale!!!! I would be a total obsessed woman if i did…
Deep cleansing breaths!!! And i thought i heard scream yesterday morning…now i know from whence it came.
Praise God you caught yourself before much damage was done and that you've already dropped a couple of pounds. Way to go!!!! You're doing awesome!
Right now I am on a 40 day Journey, day 5…where God is beginning to dig out the ROOT that has been within me, and the symptom of gluttony is going to be COMPLETELY released. I just started another blog Sacrificial Diet that will be a journey of these 40 days, and than carrying forth to where God is leading me as I AM heading towards my destiny too sis!!!
I love chocolates, too. I try to just buy the little packaged ones so I don't go overboard. When I'm craving, I would only have a little piece. I know it's hard but by His grace, you can do it!!! Be strong in His mighty power! God bless. Have a great weekend!
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!!
You can do it!
I heard a horrible noise yesterday, but couldn't figure out where it came from…now I know1 LOL
I understand, girl…I really do. I can't keep chocolate in the house…at all..or I'll eat it!
I'm confused, though, about strike three. I thought whole wheat/whole grains were okay to eat. In fact, dietary recommendations encourage us to eat those. Do you know something I don't know about this???
Hang in there. I've gradually lost 15 lbs. – slow and steady wins the race.
Love you,
Down two pounds…good for you, Beth!
I know exactly what you are talking about because I am having similar struggles. 🙁
Hang in there, Beth dear!
Praying for ya, sweetie! You CAN do it – with God's help.
i am right there with you. I need to have more control and not sabotage myself either.
Seriously I know exactly what thats like, it is so frustrated..when I cheat with chocolate, which is every month.. I eat and drink extra fiber..or eat an extra slice of Ezekiel's bread it really helps keep you feeling full and not gaining the calories from the chocolate..
You've come this far so you can definitely get the rest off. You can do it!!
I have to tell you that when I eat a tiny piece of chocolate each day, I don't crave it.
Love the picture! Just get right back into it and don't let it discourage you.
I hear ya. When I'm on the progesterone I just can't work out and I balloon up. I hate it. But….if I eventually get my baby from it then it will all be worth it, right?
I make myself get on those scales daily. Otherwise, I'm sure I'd be screaming too!
I know you can do it!
Hugs!!! At least you stopped before much damage occured! That is great!! Just keep going and never look back!
Lately, I'm just a walking set of excuses. I really loved this post.
Thank you for sharing, Beth.
Fabulous & Fit go for it SIS.I'll eat all the wrong things for you when i'm in north carolina in a weeks time. he he he. stop feeling sorry for yourself and get on with it.you can do it.6 pounds by November.lots of love old pod.
Keep up the good work! You can do it!
You can do it.
I also have to force myself to drink more water. I'd prefer my diet coke…
Chocolate is my weakness. I never tell myself I'll give it up. My MIL brings us sweets every time she comes by. I never eat that stuff, unless it's chocolate, but when she brings it, I can't stop eating it.
The important thing it to realize what you've been doing and try to get back on track.
WOW! Two pounds in a day. I'm jealous.
Stopping by from SITS by the way.
Don't be too hard on yourself, you'll get back to the old routine again.
And you already had good results in one day. That is awesome!
have a great week,
Yeah Beth!!!! Good for you!
Dont worry too much about the gain. I know… I had a breakdown a while ago noting that I was gaining a pound a week while doing everything right, so I took 3 weeks off from all that (just working out when I really wanted too, which was actually suprisingly often, and eating the things I wanted, still trying to keep it healthy), and lost all that weight after those 3 weeks were over. Plus, they say it is actually good to have a day out of the week where you CAN indulge a little bit… otherwise you are already sabotaging yourself by NOT allowing ANY of those things. If we're excited about the one day we can have that little bit of chocolate, it becomes even more special. Just a thought! 🙂
Good Luck, and congrats on losing those 2 lbs right away!
You can do it! Just keep staying focused!
Oh Beth… I loved this post as it is where I am at – actually, where I've been at for quite a while! Will be praying for you (and me) that we will soon be back in the groove with no more excuses. I loved what Stephanie said in her comment and I am going to incorporate that into my daily thinking – namely "Wow and Wonderful by Winter"!!
Loving you…
dag nabbit…i love that. i love made up words as i make them up quite often.
i so know what you mean…i've fallen off the wagon and i can't seem to get back on…drinking water, eating better, exercising. speaking of which, i need to leave now so i can't convince myself there's not enough time to exercise and there's no time to make something healthy.
I finally posted today if you want to come read. if you've not read my previous post about the Stump, you might. i'm getting it published on another site.
Who here could not for a second blast the same scream. I know I am daily beating myself up for eating to much of this, not enough of that and stepping on a scale. I think diet management is like golf. You keep at it because you know you are going to hit a good one, and you do and that is what keeps you going. Way to be really real here. It is so appreciated.
Good for you! So glad your getting back on track. Its easy to slip every now and then I know. I am in the same situation often needing a little motivation to keep on keeping on. Let me know when your tempted and I'll be here for ya!
Im off to buy more water now!!
Love and Prayers,
Keep on going! Never give up.
Wishing you a water-filled, chocolate free day:)