Today I link with Lynn who is graciously hosting the Thankful Thursday Meme.
Psalm 35:18
I will give you thanks in the great assembly; among throngs of people I will praise You.
I am thankful for my God.
I am thankful for my family.
I am thankful to be the recipient of my daughter’s hugs when she walks through the door each morning. There is nothing sweeter than hearing the shuffle of her little feet and seeing her peek around the door to find me. What a blessing!
I am thankful to still be in a free country where I can go and pray in front of an abortion clinic. I am thankful that so far 109 babies (that we know of) have been saved through the 40daysforlife campaign. I am thankful for all of the people (especially those in the frigid temperatures in Canada) who are participating in prayer vigils.
I am so blessed to be a part of our church family. God definitely placed us there.
I am thankful to be able to pray and read God’s Word. What a privilege!
I am thankful that my husband has joined me in reading the bible in chronological order! Hallelujah!
I am thankful for all of my friends in this blogosphere. You are all such a blessing.
I am thankful for all of my blessings, big and small.
Have a wonderful Thursday!
Thanks for sharing these precious blessings my friend, love you.
Don’t you just LOVE thankful thursdays….I just am SO filled with joy and thankfulness when I read the blogs, and read everyone’s thankfulness..You bless me girl..I tell ya, I won’t stop saying it!!!
I loved reading what you are thankul for! How wonderful that your husband is reading the Bible with you!
You are blessed! My favorite of your blessings would have to be those little hugs too! :O) They’re soooooooooo sweet at that age!
Amen Beth! In fact, in a few minutes I am going to just spend some good time in praising Him…thanks for being a blessing and an encouragement to me!
Reading the Bible with your hubby in chronological order…how great! Love your list, Beth! I’m so THANKFUL I met you! 🙂
A great list of thanks today Beth. God is so awesome in the big and the small things, how wonderful that you have recognized that today. -blessings, Laurie
I enjoyed your list of thankfulness. I agree that hugs from our kids is a huge blessing.
What an awesome God we serve and I am so loving your thankful heart! Blessings to you today and again thank you for praying for my son. He is not home, though, he is in Minnesota for spring break.. snowboarding with dear family friends.
Wonderful thankfuls, Beth! Love that I’m (in a round-about way) a contributor to your thankfulness!
You are very blessed my friend! Aren’t hugs the sweetest, I just love when my girls give them to me for no reason at all or when I don’t have to ask for one 🙂
These are wonderful things to be thankful for!!
Have a great day!
We have so much to thank him for! I also love being a mom because we wake up in the morning with cuddles from our babies! They’re my little alarm clocks 😉
Oh Beth, I’m so thankful that I found you! Your light shines so brightly in your love of Jesus. You can’t help but reflect Him in all you write about. Hugs to you friend.
Oh, Beth! Such a wonderful list of blessings. Too sweet about your daughter. That’s precious. And the lives that have been saved! Gives me chills to see the way God moves! Happy Thankful Thursday!
Great list of Thankfuls!
Bless you!
What a beautiful list of gratitude.
Beth, I love visiting your blog but I especially, love to visit on Thankful Thursday. You have such a pure, thankful heart that is so encouraging…it brings joy, happiness and inspiration to my heart.
You bless me tremendously, my sweet friend!!!
Happy TT!
I am a new blogger and just joined Thankful Thursday. I LOVE YOUR BLOG! I am also so thankful for many of the things you are thankful for! I also am constantly wanting more of God in my life and am on a journey to know Him better! Thank you, Sister, for a great blog that honors Our Lord!
A great list, Beth. I’m with you on those hugs from our kids. Those are the best!
I am so blessed by all of your blessings that you posted!!! It would take forever if we named all of our blessings one by one. Thank you for your visit and you sweet words.
Beth, I was totally blessed by your post!! Praise the Lord for the 109 babies!!!!
Great list Beth… Thanks for stopping by my place today 🙂
Hugs from our babies will always be a blessing to me too. Great list. I am Thankful for our free country too.
We’re thankful for many of the same things but this week I’m also thankful for YOU being there when I needed someone. When I was having a low point you stepped in and God used you to bring encouragement to me and as one who is used to giving the encouragement and not seeking it, I am so overwhelmed by the love of Jesus that pours through you. I love you.
Thank you for sharing each week and lifting me up!
Your awesome friend!!
There are so much always to be thankful for. It is true.
Thks my dear, for this list that reminds us all of our own. love-
Amen! These are great! I love hugs from my boys, too! :o)
I’m thankful for a computer that works.
It is so great to read everybody’s list…
With your- “I am thankful to be the recipient of my daughter’s hugs when she walks through the door each morning. There is nothing sweeter than hearing the shuffle of her little feet and seeing her peek around the door to find me. What a blessing!”- you make me remember my kids again that age….and felt the nudge NEVER to forget that time when they grow bigger….
Blessings for the weekend
I am thankful for knowing you!
May we never forget how blessed we are! I love the one about your daughter. There is nothing quite like the hug of a little one. Take care my friend!
Hi Beth,
I dore that little princess with the daffodils in your sidebar. Also, delightful thankful list. You honor our Jesus. Have a blessed weekend. See you next week. Hugs.