I finally succumbed …

I told myself and everyone else that I would NEVER do it!

I knew that Facebook and my Blog already stole too much of my time.

I did not want to take on ONE MORE distraction!

But my friend, also known as Carolina Mama, caught me in a moment of weakness and sent me an invitation.

Sigh …

Well, I fell into temptation.

I landed hard.

Now I want to redo things in my house and make cute little vignettes, tablescapes, and the like.  Sigh!

Thanks a lot Carolina Mama!  You know I love you and I’ll be sure to think of you as I rearrange, paint, and spruce things “up” around here.

What happened you may ask?


Red Arrows Clip Art

Yes, I know — I said I would NEVER do it.

It truly makes no sense yet is strangely addictive.

For those who haven’t succumbed to the PEER PRESSURE, let me explain what Pinterest is all about.  You use it as a bulletin board (kind of like you did as a teen).  You can pin up pictures of things you like, thinks you want to poke fun at, things you want … the possibilities are endless.  You name your own “boards” and then you visit web sites.  While you’re snooping around on the Internet, you might stumble upon a cool looking piece of clothing, hairstyle, couch, flower, or WHATEVER.  You might want to remember that picture as an example you’d like to copy.  What is your solution?   Pinterest!    All you do is click on a little “pin” button.  After clicking “pin” you will given the option to place it on one of your boards.  POOF your little picture you “pinned” is suddenly showing on your virtual “board.”  People follow you and enjoy what you pin.  You also follow your friends and snoop around their boards as well.  You can also “like” or “repin” pictures — similar to the “like” function on FB.

I did find it fun to notice that my sister and I both picked similar photos with flower gardens, however, she does have a taste for hippie stuff where I am more traditional.   Ha.   It is interesting to see how tastes differ with some of your friends.  Variety is the spice of life some say … right?

So, what was my first project?  I shared with you my new Lion of Judah picture painted by Christine Council (you can find her button on the right side of my blog).   I had purchased a print of her painting and I just wasn’t satisfied with it naked.  It lacked a frame to bring it together with the rest of my room.   I also didn’t want to pay several hundred dollars to have it matted and prepared by a professional.

Yesterday I went to a local craft store and found an inexpensive frame.  Yay!  I bought some tape to secure the print in the frame and now it is hanging in our bedroom.

Now, I am looking around to discover my next project.    Thanks A LOT Pinterest!

So if YOU are INTERESTED in taking on another project(s) … check it out.

If you’re my friend on Facebook and want an invite, just let me know.

Have a blessed Thursday everyone!