Guess where we went last night?
To see TOY STORY 3! Sniff, sniff.
My sister-in-law invited my daughter to a movie night with her and her family, but I wanted to see Toy Story 3 too! My husband joined us and we enjoyed a night out as a family.
My husband watched this movie without seeing Toy Story 1 and 2, therefore he didn’t recognize some of the themes that flowed through all 3 stories. But Princess and I picked up on them and enjoyed the movie all the more.
On an emotional note, the kid who owns the toys, Andy, is all grown up and heading off to college. Ah, the timing of this movie! My poor sister-in-law who was with us is sending her oldest son off to college this fall. And my niece — my sister’s youngest is leaving for college too. It certainly pulled on our heart strings! Sniff, sniff.
The movie was a great reminder of how quickly life passes. Just yesterday my college bound nephew and niece were babies!
Now I look at my own daughter. She is growing up so fast! Just yesterday she was crawling, cooing, toddling around.
Just the other day I removed her bed rails. Her room reflects an older “toddler” who is about to enter the realm of big-girl school. This morning I decided to go take some pictures of her room. Truly, this is a sweet sight. Before I know it, the days of castles and princesses will be gone.
One of these days, she will be too big for Butterscotch and he will be placed in the attic. Sniff, sniff.
You know Beth, I never never never understood grown ups and their complaint about time passing….so funny now I have the same heartache watching my kids grow up and thinking the next baby I cuddle will probably make me a grandma….not for 10 more years I hope,,,,,best of luck to your family going off to college…they are just starting a new chapter in their book of life. I am glad your sister had you there at the movie, it was probably a comfort.
She is sooo cute Beth! It is true that our babies grow up way to fast!! Can't wait to see Toy Story 3!
Hope you are having a great week!
Thanks for reminding me to watch this movie! My family and I enjoyed 1 and 2 though my son is not a toddler anymore, too! Ahhh.Where's the tissue box? 🙂
Great reminder sister how our lives are just like a vapor! I think it's really sad if we spend each day arguing, debating, etc…No wonder, the Lord keeps reminding us to do everything with love. His kind of love. God bless you sister and I sort of been lagging lately visiting friends. Take care and yes! Everything is expensive nowadays, even just to see a movie! $52…only for tickets. Not counting drinks and munchies. Ouch! [That's my pocket!].
Life certainly spins quickly by. I remember holding my boys in my arms during the first toy story…now they are grown.
What a great way to remember and cherish those moment because they do grow up way to fast~ *sigh*
We went to Toy Story 3 on Sunday and just loved it! It did remind me, though, to hold my little guy a little tighter and a little longer before he doesn't want to get cozy with me anymore. They grow way too fast!
They are grown before you know it! My oldest will turn 22 in October! Seriously! where did the time go??!!
you enjoy every minute of your princess and butterscotch!!!
I'm blessed to be able to have my sisters children to cuddle with now. It's really hard once they spread their wings and fly! It's glorious to see them do aches on the inside from the absence of their presence…
Love you!!
That movie did that to me too and I forgot to bring the tissues. It was a good one. YOu and princess are so cute. You look great Beth.
Andrew LOVES Toy Story 1 & 2. He will sit and watch the entire movie here at home but I'm not sure he would in the theater just because of too much new stuff. He is sitting here with me now and saying "I want to see Buzz" so I'll be scrolling back up after this comment so he can see the picture. I've heard from all the females who have seen the movie that it is a tear jerker…my dad didn't cry…of course.
Wise words, friend. They do grow up wayyy to fast!
Oh, time goes by way too fast. I'm holding on to my little people as tightly as I can for as long as I can! Look at that pink room!!
My sister and mama bought Hunter the movie and a t-shirt today. We can't wait to see it!
Loved this post, Beth, and trust me those years will fly by, and you have got it right, savor every moment. As I know you will.
I wanted to see Toy Story 3, and was hoping to see it when those two g-daughters came for a visit, but those little buggers went and saw it without me. And now when they come I will insist they go with me. lol
Your daughter is so beautiful , just love that smile.
Enjoy your week.
Isn't it crazy how expensive movies are, anymore? I love her room – it's so pink and girly!!!
Hope you're out enjoying the day. 🙂
My little ones saw this with my sis in-law, but I still want to watch it! My older kids were huge Toy Story fans. One of my friends cried when they watched this one, and I know I will too!!!
Love your little princess! She really has the sweetest smile!
Amen, we need to cherish each moment sis.
As a mom who watched her firstborn graduate last week…..yes…..cherish every moment. I cannot tell you how it all flashes by in the blink of an eye.
ps. and I feel your pain with the movie $$$ We just went out to the movies this weekend and I thought I heard the guy wrong when he gave us our total for 8 of us! YIKES!
Boo hooo! I hate posts like this! They always make me cry! (I mean that in a good way). My little girl is just now 2 years old and I love her at this age, toddling around, just learning words, and like you said, wanting to be in my lap all the time (although I can't stand the toys everywhere! LOL). She is growing up way too fast! I am just sooo thankful that God has blessed me to be able to have this time at home with her…gosh…what would I do if I couldn't be able to raise her myself and watch her grow up? Thank you Jesus for your lavish love and blessing…You are good to me!
Yes, catch and cradle these moments now. All too soon she will grow up and get married. But the blessings of grand parenting are ten fold. 🙂
This kills me! I remember watching the first one when my boys were so little. Now they're 18 & almost 15!
In case you didn't already know your princess is beautiful!
I want to see that movie. I saw the first one when it came out years ago but never saw the 2nd one. I have a feeling they'll do a box set so we'll wait. It's truly unbelievable how much it costs to go to the movies!
Time seems to fly by so quickly! It's hard to believe how fast kids grow up.
awww, now I'm crying. Your daughter is beautiful 🙂 I was reading your blog and looking at your pictures and it was almost something I could have written, except it's now watching my grand-daughter grow up. All my grandchildren! Our princess Kaiti lived with us her first 2 years and spent 4 out of 7 nights of the next 2 years, only this year has she spent more time at home and its killing me because everytime she is here she looks and acts a little older. She has a pink room that papa painted at both houses (home and here) and she loves princesses lol. Instead of Butterscotch though, she has spirit. Thanks for sharing this Beth, I'm slowly catching up on my reading I enjoyed this immensely even if it did make me cry! God bless