Howdy y’all! How was your Easter weekend? Mine was bittersweet — wonderful — sad — and tiring. Are any other wives out there ready to sit back and sip a glass of sweet tea? I know I am! I want to put my feet up and just turn off the world for at least an hour or two.
Some of you may have read about my plans to attend a family reunion on Saturday. I was a bit anxious about taking my elderly parents, but when I arrived to prepare them for their trip, my daddy was on oxygen. He has been experiencing shortness of breath for several days now. Please pray for him if he comes to your heart. With all of that said — my parents decided they wouldn’t attend the reunion. I felt selfish, but I was a bit relieved.
It was such a gift to be in my grandparent’s house again. The family who owns the house gave us free rein. We roamed the entire property with their blessing. WHAT A GIFT! Talk about the memories relived! It was such a blessing, but it was also sad.
The picture of me being silly (above) was taken in front of my grandparent’s stairwell. When I walked up those steps, I began to cry. The upstairs still smelled like it did when I was young. Oh, the flood of memories that rushed over me.
It was really cool to see the inside of an upstairs closet that still had the same wallpaper that my grandparents had in it. I’m so thankful they didn’t change it. I’d say 96 % of the house has been changed, but it was still “home” to us. Sigh. My siblings and I lived across the road from this house, so we considered it home as well.
I stood on my feet all day Saturday. Then I went to the grocery store and started cooking for Easter. After I stayed up late preparing food for my parents on Easter — do you know my Mom decided to have her own vegetables fixed (even though she knew I was bringing some)? Sigh. So I basically stayed up late for nothing. Gotta love it, eh?
Sunday was B U S Y too. I kind-of had a melt down near the end because I was so tired. I felt like if anyone asked one more thing of me I might explode.
I haven’t had time to just be still and spend time with the Lord. I am praying I’ll have some quiet time soon!
Speaking of spending some time with the Lord, our pastor shared this scripture today:
Luke 24:27
And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning Himself.
Again, another scripture that has never stood out to me. After Jesus was crucified, He taught the disciples how the scriptures mentioned Him. Wow … I love this! Later in the message, our pastor shared the following ways Jesus was presented in each book of the Bible.
Ready? Here we go!
In GENESIS Jesus is the Ram at Abraham’s altar
In EXODUS He’s the Passover Lamb
In LEVITICUS He’s the High Priest
In NUMBERS He’s the Cloud by day and the Pillar of Fire by night
In DEUTERONOMY He’s the City of our refuge
In JOSHUA He’s the Scarlet Thread out Rahab’s window
In JUDGES He is our Judge
In RUTH He is our Kinsman Redeemer
In 1st and 2nd SAMUEL He’s our Trusted Prophet
And in KINGS and CHRONICLES He’s our Reigning King
In EZRA He’s our Faithful Scribe
In NEHEMIAH He’s the Rebuilder of everything that is broken
And in ESTHER He is Mordecai sitting faithfully at the gate
In JOB He’s our Redeemer that ever liveth
In PSALMS He is my Shepherd and I shall not want
In PROVERBS and Ecclesiastes He’s our Wisdom
And in the SONG OF SOLOMON He’s the Beautiful Bridegroom
In ISAIAH He’s the Suffering Servant
In JEREMIAH and LAMENTATIONS it is Jesus that is the Weeping Prophet
In EZEKIEL He’s the Wonderful Four-Faced Man
And in DANIEL He is the Fourth Man in the midst of a fiery furnace
In HOSEA He is my Love that is forever faithful
In JOEL He baptizes us with the Holy Spirit
In AMOS He’s our Burden Bearer
In OBADIAH our Savior
And in JONAH He is the Great Foreign Missionary that takes the Word of God into all the world
In MICAH He is the Messenger with beautiful feet
In NAHUM He is the Avenger
In HABAKKUK He is the Watchman that is ever praying for revival
In ZEPHANIAH He is the Lord mighty to save
In HAGGAI He is the Restorer of our lost heritage
In ZECHARIAH He is our Fountain
And in MALACHI He is the Sun of Righteousness with healing in His wings.
Name Above All Names
In MATTHEW “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God”
In MARK He is the Miracle Worker
In LUKE He’s the Son of Man
And in JOHN He is the Door by which every one of us must enter
In ACTS He is the Shining Light at appears to Saul on the road to Damascus
In ROMANS He is our Justified
In 1st CORINTHIANS our Resurrection
In 2nd CORINTHIANS our Sin Bearer
In GALATIANS He Redeems us from the law
In EPHESIANS He is our Unsearchable Riches
In PHILIPPIANS He supplies our every need
And in COLOSSIANS He’s the Fullness of the Godhead Bodily
In 1st and 2nd THESSALONIANS He is our Soon Coming King
In 1st and 2nd TIMOTHY He is the Mediator between God and man
In PHILEMON He is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother
And in HEBREWS He’s the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant
In JAMES it is the Lord that heals the sick
In 1st and 2nd PETER He is the Chief Shepherd
In 1st, 2nd, and 3rd JOHN it is Jesus who has the tenderness of love
In JUDE He is the Lord coming with 10,000 saints
And in REVELATION, He is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings-the Alpha and Omega, Great I AM
He is all that and more! Hallelujah!
Though it has been a busy weekend — a tad bit stressful, I am a blessed woman! I have my Lord and Savior! I have my husband and daughter! I was able to see my niece who moved to Minne-“SNOW”-ta, and many other sweet family members! God definitely gave me and my family a gift by letting us enjoy a part of our heritage again. My daughter is playing in her great-grandparent’s yard in the exact spot where I played “snake in the grass” when I was her age. Sniff, sniff. Life surely goes on doesn’t it?
I pray you had a wonderful Easter~
Have a great Monday Everyone!
Beth – I can’t imagine the emotions you must have felt being in your grandparents home again. I’ve passed that home many times over the years and each time I admire it’s beauty. The current owners thoughtfulness was a true blessing to your family. I know your family struggles each day with your parents failing health. Know that I think of you often and pray for your strength.