Today I link with Peggy at Amazing Grace~Mazes, Messes, Miracles to celebrate the Lord through scripture, picture, or song.
I thought you would enjoy this picture of our friend Tom holding our daughter at a super bowl party. Our princess LOVES Mr. Tom!
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22
To participate in this Meme or visit other participants, please visit Peggy. Have a blessed Sunday my friends!
She is adoreable.
Just beautiful, both of them..I started to giggle thinking about her giggles that she was sharing in this pic..LOL
love it! He looks like a sweet spirit!
This picture is precious…makes me smile. Hope your Valentine’s Day was a good one!
A precious picture and one of my all-time favorite scriptures. Happy Super Sunday, Beth!
what a sweet photo of them both. I think he loves Princess just as much as she loves him. Those faces are priceless. Great verse too!
She is soooooo cute!! and I love love the song that was on when i clicked on your blog
I love that picture! They both look so happy! Perfect verse to go along w/ it!
Blessings Beth…That's SUPER sweet! Your little adorable Princess has a smile and giggles worth a million! It couldn't be because of the Super Bowl, she was so delighted!!! Her cheerful heart and spirit is good medicine for all! How wonderful that her comfort & her precious spirit is so easily
enJOYed…may she never be crushed, harmed or hindered so that her heart is filled with Jesus & His love! ENJOY your PRINCESS & hubs for a SUPER SUNDAY!!! Thanks for sharing a glimpse into your heart with us & helping me have a SUPER SUNDAY!!!
Awww…what a cutie! Oh, and your little girl is cute, too! Just kidding, Mr. Tom! Hehe
Sorry…I couldn’t resist. ;o)
Love you,
Wow! Look at those Smiles! Too Cute!
This is a great picture, Beth! They both look like they love each other so much!
Blessings to you!
What a great picture! I love the scripture too. What a wonderful reminder!
Take care my friend!
I hope you had a great weekend!
I like the picture. It is really a picture of a cheerful heart. 🙂
Belated happy valentine’s day, Beth.
You have just be awarded the friendship award over at my blog spot. No pressure to pass it along, but I do want you to know I appreciate you:) You probably already have this one, eh?
What a precious photo!