Just as sunscreen won’t help protect your skin if you don’t apply it — the same goes for the Word of God in your life.
Satan DOES NOT want us to know the Word of God. There is power in those God-breathed Words and he knows it.
Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
The Word is LIVING. Can you wrap your minds around that? When you speak the scriptures out loud something WILL happen in the atmosphere around you. That is the truth.
God has really been showing me the condition of the world around me this week. Today is Wednesday and I have already had TWO different people look me in the eye and proclaim to be non-believers.
What can I do to reach more people? Do you ever feel like this? Do you see the condition of those around you?
What about the Christians who look no different than the non-believers? They don’t realize WHO they are in Christ because they don’t read their Bibles. Maybe they read the scriptures, but they don’t apply them to their lives. (They don’t use the Word of God as their swords.)
So many people are walking in defeat. So many are filled with wounds and haven’t allowed God to touch those “infected” areas. People are perishing for a lack of knowledge. They just don’t know what the Bible has within it’s Holy covers.
For many years I was TRULY bound by fear. The irony of it all is I had authority over fear the whole time. Knowledge of the scriptures was KEY. Understanding what God had to say about me was KEY.
What are you allowing to bring defeat and sorrow your way? Guess what? Whatever it is, you have authority over it through Christ. He bore EVERYTHING on the cross for you.
God can change us. He can change our situation. He can change our marriages. He can bring our prodigal children home.
He STILL performs miracles.
Do you believe? Do you believe He can change any bad situation that you’re in right now?
I challenge you to spend time reading God’s Word each day. Ask the precious Holy Spirit to unlock the scriptures and give you fresh revelation as you read.
When you see your reflection in the Word of God, you will find areas that need some fine-tuning. I know I ALWAYS do.
Begin to obey the scriptures and see what happens in your life.
Isaiah 55:6
Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.
Awesome!! Yes, we must apply the truths of God's Word to our lives. Great analogy with the sunscreen. So thankful I have Sonscreen 🙂
Simply shouted "Hallelujah!" through the whole thing! (in my head of course-lest I scare those around me 😉
Praise God! Praise God! So true!
For those around me, and with me who do not LIVE the truth of God…I have mercy—because I once didn't know…and I try to LIVE the Word and speak the TRUTH and hope that it is pleasing and desirable and if the reject—it isn't personal–It's Christ they are rejecting 🙁
Such truth! I want to be a "doer" and not just a "hearer" of the Word. I was listening to my CD in the car & felt like crying cause the Word is so powerful. Love ya
LOVE, love, love the sunscreen analogy! I'm a "freckle-face" … every time I put on sunscreen now, I'll think of this post. :o)
Thanks so much for visiting my new blog and for the follow. I look forward to becoming great friends!
Blessings ~
Great, great post!! It is so sad to see the world around us and the way others are acting. I'm not perfect and have A LOT of room for improving but just the things I see on FB from "Christian friends" really makes me shake my head and wonder if they ever think about what their witness is saying to others.
I need to do a better job of memorizing scripture. My memorization skills are just terrible.
You are so absolutely right on…..How can we expect to be victorious when we don't stay in the Word or take the time to hide It in our hearts……
Thanks for the encouragement….Love your analogy with the sunscreen…..such a good one….
So glad I found your blog…….
I'm so glad that you happened upon my blog and left a comment today! Now I could come over here, and have my "socks blessed off!" LOL Thank you so much!
I was just thinking along these very lines earlier . . and then I remembered something Beth Moore had said about the power of praying God's Word. It's almost like a "lit stick of dynamite!" It can blow up every stronghold that has us bound! 🙂 God's Word is alive and thankfully it will remain when the flowers fade and the grass withers. It will stand forever! 🙂 It will do me a lot of good to stay in the Word and under the Word–and apply it to my heart every single day!
I'm getting ready to follow your blog too! Thanks again!
Hi this is my first time here. I love the name of your blog and I can't wait to read the post with all the pictures of your Bible!!!
I think I am going to love this blog:)
Hi this is my first time here. I love the name of your blog and I can't wait to read the post with all the pictures of your Bible!!!
I think I am going to love this blog:)
This is a strong and powerful post, dear one.
xo bj