Before we left for the concert, Princess posed for the camera. She was going to a fashion show (charity for breast cancer). Everyone was supposed to wear pink — so Princess girl thought she was something else. Look at this pose! My friend who took her said that she ended up being the star of the show and was on stage herself! I figured that would happen. Ha.

Now for the concert at the RBC Center in Raleigh, NC. We had Premier Parking which meant we parked near the door. Woo hoo — thank You Lord! (I think you can click on my pics to make them bigger.)

This is the group, Sugarland. I really like their music. We had GREAT seats — can you tell?

Our friends Cathy and Andy.

Surprise, I’m taking our picture!

Here are some pictures of the main attraction: Keith Urban. He is one talented guy!

Yep, Keith Urban was within an arms length from me. Not using zoom … he is that close. Unlike the others you see in this picture, I wasn’t interested in touching him – I just wanted a picture to prove he was that close. The lady in the blue wanted both (lol). My friend Cathy to my right got her hands on him. Poor Keith. One lady ran her hands through his hair — another kissed him! I would hate to be his wife Nicole.

Have a great Saturday everyone!