My little Princess and I left first thing Saturday morning and popped in on my Mom.  I want to keep the rehab guessing as to what time my smiling face will come through the doors.


Ok, let me stop this story to share an embarrassing moment with you so you can have a giggle first thing.  How many of you would like to look YOUR BEST when running into a school mate you haven’t seen (other than Facebook) in 20 years?  Well YEAH!  Most women want to have on a good face, right?  Well, this is what my friend Brian got to see.  What a lovely first impression (after 20 years).

Looking beautiful, I KNOW!  I was at the mall and had just finished eating lunch.  It felt like I had a film of bread on my teeth so I was walking away from the food court sucking on my teeth.  lol  You know how you make yourself look like a monkey by putting your tongue over your upper teeth?  Lovely isn’t it?!?!?!  Scream!  

As I was grooming my upper teeth, my eyes met with a guy I went to high school with.  LOL.  He even laughed and said, “I haven’t seen Beth ____ in 20 years and here she is cleaning her teeth” (after I explained to him what I was doing of course).  Ha.  Figures …  ok, back to the story …


We fixed Mama’s hair and wheeled her down to visit with her friend.  Before we knew it, “therapy” time had arrived so we stayed to watch.  THANKFULLY the weekend therapist wanted to get Mama on her feet.  (I wish he was with them during the week.)  This man and I immediately hit it off.  He is full of life and immediately recognized something “spiritual” in me (he said).  I kept mentioning Jesus and He kept agreeing, though he never said the Name of Jesus.  Perhaps it was against the rules with his employer.  

He decided to put Mama on this table that would stand her up so that she could begin to build up some muscle strength.  As the began to stand up, her right heel touched the platform, but her left leg wasn’t touching.  I said, “Mama, I didn’t know your left leg was shorter than your right.”  The therapist, Tom, said, “So is yours and so is mine.  Everyone has a shorter leg.”  I said, “No I don’t – God healed me.”  I said to Tom, “Watch my Mom’s leg grow when I pray.”  He put his hand under Mama’s foot and I commanded the leg to grow in Jesus’ Name.  He stood there amazed as the leg grew and began to touch the platform — even with the right leg.  He said, “We NEED you here!”  I said, “It was THE NAME OF JESUS.”  Wasn’t God good to show this man that He is still the same YESTERDAY, TODAY, and FOREVER?!?!?  This picture was before Mama’s leg grew.

There is an entirely different post I could write on Tom’s first judgment of me.  He thought I was a city girl because of my nails and jewelry.  You can never judge a book by its cover!  Ha. 

Since Princess girl has been SO PATIENT visiting the rehab every day, I thought I would bless her and stop at the mall.  It was lunch time, so off we began our fun with her favorite treat:

Yes, a healthy meal (ha).  That is ONE piece and it was bigger than her head.  I had a Subway sandwich on whole wheat.  :o)

After the treat of pizza, I decided to take her to Build-a-Bear.  She has 3 different animals from there, but NONE that she created herself — so this was a big treat.  

After she chose her animal, she picked the heart, stood on the pedal to put stuffing in her new “best” friend, then did a sweet little ritual to get the heart started …
Of course the new friend “Daisy Grace” needed a bath before picking out a new outfit.
One happy child with her new friend Daisy Grace!

After Daisy was born, we decided to get a cool treat for the ride home because this was the temperature outside (ignore my child’s junk in the back seat — even her Cheezit box).  Can you tell I take all of my pictures with my iPhone now?  I don’t even know the location of my camera.

Yum … a strawberry and banana smoothie to beat the heat and wash away the Subway sandwich.  :o)

Stay cool everyone and don’t suck your teeth in public.  You never know who you might see.  Ha.

In case you missed my Father’s Day post, click HERE.

Happy Father’s Day to all of the dads out there!