I had a feeling yesterday was going to be an interesting day!
I did have plans with some dear friends who were going to enjoy a nice steak dinner with us.
My entire day was planned: Clean house, clean house, and did I mention — clean house?
However, when I did my usual 8am call to my parents I suddenly knew my schedule was canceled. My Mom was having a difficult time walking and had landed in the middle of the kitchen in a chair.
My sister-in-law and I met over at my parent’s home. After seeing how weak she was, we had no other choice than to have the rescue squad come and transport her to a local hospital.
Note to self. The rescue folk TAKE your parents bag of medicine WITH them. I drove almost to the hospital before I remembered I didn’t have my mother’s meds. After traveling BACK to my parent’s house I learned they were with my Mom. Sigh.
The ambulance people were looking for a family member at the hospital and I was on a hunt for pills. What a great start.
Thankfully my sister met me there and we had each other to lean on.
After sitting in the ER around 7 hours, she was finally placed in a room.
I would appreciate any prayers you could send my Mom’s way. Her name is Mary. Thank you!
This is what a daughter looks like after sitting in the ER all day with no shower. Concern, frustration, uncertainty of what tomorrow holds … but I know Who holds tomorrow!
Hey – at least I remembered to bring my make-up! (And Sissy, I didn’t post your picture. You can thank me later. ha.)
Matthew 6:34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
So sorry you had to through all of that! I pray they will find out what's going on with your Mom, and wisdom for you guys to know what to do tomorrow (or whenever) they release her from the hospital.
Sorry to hear that your day was rough!! We are lucky to know that God has all in His control…not just know this but feel this by His allowing us to experience His peace through any situation.
Keep us posted on your Mom, Beth..
From another Beth…
Praying for God's intervention for your mom and the family. God bless and strengthen you all.
Oh Beth…big hugs and many prayers being said for your sweet mom and for you too!!
Watching our parents age is so hard, isn't it?!
I'm just on the beginning cusps of it and I'm not going to lie, it scares me but you are right, no matter what, they are in God's hands and He loves them so much more than I ever could.
Relying on His arms to carry me through…
Beth, I'm sorry our families are experiencing similar situations! I know it is hard on you seeing your parents' failing health. Seeing my mom cope is the hardest on me. God is in control and I'm praying His will be done in your mom's situation as well.
Sending prayers your way … for your mom and for you. :o)
Praying for you, and your mom. (HUGS) to you! It's so hard when our parents are at the age when medical issues beome so much more then "just a stitch or two" at the ER. I pray for wisdom for the staff dealing with this issue, and for your family.
Oh my sweet sweet friend,
I just came by to read. Please know that your dear mother is in my prayers along with all of you as a family. I know how extremely difficult it is to go through such things with our parents. I pray that the Lord surrounds and covers all of you with His grace, peace, comfort, tender mercies and even joy amidst all of this.
I love you my friend,
Praying for your mom and for you!
Covering your precious mom with prayers, and you of course. I love you.
Sorry to hear about your Mom! Praying for her and you!