Yesterday we attended the graduation of a young man, Jesse, who is treated like a son in our home. He walks in and makes himself at home. He knows where the dishes are located and often helps set the table. It is just understood that if I have cooked that he is invited to join us.
I watched Jesse the other day as he pulled out on one of our tractors and thought about the rights of sonship. He is trusted with very expensive tractors and equipment. He has access to whatever is ours and treats everything as if it is his.
He knows where keys are located and works hard here on the farm. He is a HUGE help to us and in turn we enjoy blessing him.
Of course, I couldn’t help but think of our rights as a son/daughter of God.
I’m certain that if all Christians were in love with God and walked in their sonship, this world would be a different place!
I don’t know about you, but I see many Christians walking in rejection — believing their Heavenly Father doesn’t love them. I once was there on a small scale, so I understand how that happens. But can you imagine if everyone had the revelation that God loved them beyond their own comprehension?
Jeremiah 31:3
The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.”
Because of our sonship, we have access to the Kingdom of God. Many Christians don’t even realize what that means.
We have permission to use the Name of Jesus (which is above all other names!). Because of His Name and His authority, we can cast out demons – heal the sick – open blind eyes – raise the dead – and do EVEN GREATER things (according to Jesus).
Our sonship gives us angels to help us in times of trouble.
We have the right to walk in divine peace that the world can’t understand.
John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
We can extend the invitation to others and share the Good News of Jesus Christ! We can expand our Christian family!
People are hungry to belong and to be loved. Christians, we hold the keys due to our sonship.
Are you a son/daughter of God? If so, are you walking in that place of authority?
There is a hurting world all around us. Our churches are even filled with people who are wounded and sick spiritually. Where is the sonship?
Back in the early 2000’s I noticed pastors started a new thing with “series” that were planned ahead each month. It really bothered me because I could feel the anointing on the messages when our pastor was obedient and changed his plans to follow what the Holy Spirit had given him that morning. I guess “series” were the latest trend along with seeker sensitive excuses. I hated it then and it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. If we were walking in sonship, would we need the latest and greatest gimmicks or schemes?
My friend visited a church the other day where they actually used a smoke machine on a Sunday morning. What? It was a total distraction. She felt like her eyes were opened to quite a few things that day and she repented for even going there.
Why can’t we just be real 24/7 and lift up Jesus? If you attend a church that believes in all of the gifts of the Spirit, why hide those gifts on Sunday mornings? People are hungry for God and hungry to see that He is the same — yesterday, today, and forever.
We need a fresh revelation of what that word means don’t we?
Even though Jesse isn’t our son, he doesn’t have to play games to convince others that he has favor with us. He is freely given that favor and privileges. How much more do we have God’s attention?
Father, please give Your people a fresh revelation of what it means to be a son/daughter. Please show us how to present You to others. Help us to be a sweet aroma to You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.