I went to a wonderful conference this weekend. The conference was entitled The Divinity Code with speakers Adam Thompson and Adrian Beale. If you want to check out their web site, click HERE. (Picture compliments of The Divinity Code.)
If you ever get a chance to hear these men, definitely go!
I went with great expectations for freedom. I had made up my mind that since I had been pressing through about a particular issue that SURELY God was going to reach down into my soul and supernaturally touch me in the way I EXPECTED.
Well, Friday night was great and I eagerly awaited Saturday’s class! The Saturday speaker, Adrian Beale, was one of the best bible teachers I have heard. Seriously, his revelations about scriptures I have read for years absolutely blew me away! (Maybe I’ll share some of it with you this week if I get a chance.)
The Saturday class was awesome and the night session was powerful! I saw several of my friends really receive some awesome blessings, but mine was more a time of gathering information.
This morning I was kind of having a pity party with the Lord. I was tired. I knew I had a busy day ahead of me — and just had a good cry.
On my way to church I kept repenting for the sin in my heart. What PRIDE to expect God to do something the way I wanted!
Isaiah 55:9
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
All I could see was the filth in my heart. I was broken. I tried not to cry my makeup off on the way to church and I debated on attending early morning prayer. I certainly didn’t want to bring my heaviness and junk into the prayer room, but I pressed through.
BOOM … CRASH … SLAP! Our precious worship leader, Jon Owens, began to talk and it was as if he had seen right into my heart. The tears started flowing. Of course of all days for me to need to fall apart, my MIL came to church with us. I sat there between my MIL and my husband. I felt stuck. Each tear exposed my brokenness and I didn’t feel it was a safe time.
KABOOM … A bigger Holy Spirit explosion! Pastor Ron Lewis (pictured here) preached about GOD’S GRACE.
The icing on the cake — his wife Lynette shared what God had spoken to her. I couldn’t contain the tears. I was to the point where I wanted to SOB! I don’t know how my MIL and husband didn’t notice. I was a MESS! I was broken … I was spilled out …
The entire service was designed just for me (I’m sure there were others who needed this message as well).
I am grateful to see the “ick” in my heart. Being broken is a good place to be.
So, with all of this said — GOD, IN HIS WAY, has shown me the issue I’ve been “pressing in” to discover!
Deep breath! Inhale … exhale … I must breathe deep. This is something so deep, so raw, so hidden, so buried that it has only been uncovered by the Holy Spirit. Ouch, my head hurts … but I am grateful.
I am living proof that God is faithful. How many times have I shared Matthew 7:7?
Matthew 7:7
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
He is faithful friends. He may not do things the way we expect, but He is faithful! Do you hear me? He is FAITHFUL. Never doubt.
I've had many an ugly cry at church, but yes it is a good breaking of the filth in me.
Praising God for His timing with you. Press on toward the goal.
Hi Beth! It's Ileana. I sometimes feel sermons are made just for me as well. 🙂 I'm glad God sent you a message. Praying for healing. Happy Mother's day. <3
Beth, you are one beautiful, amazing woman, love how you write and more than anything, how you live. Thanks for sharing this!
Yes, He certainly IS faithful! There's nothing like that feeling when God reveals a truth to you.
Thank you for sharing your heart. I teared up just reading this post. If I had been in the service with you, we could have had one big, ugly cry together! 😉