Ok, I have a little “bee” in my bonnet and I want to get it out.
I am a person who has prayed since I was a young girl. I wasn’t taught to pray, but just always knew in my heart to talk to God. I have been in prayer teams and in the prayer ministry for many years as well. The reason I’m sharing this is to say that I UNDERSTAND about “intercessors” and can totally relate to our good intentions.
People who like to pray and intercede for others do so because they CARE. Intercessors love Jesus and they really do want to see God’s Will come to fruition. BUT … (ok, so you heard the “but” coming) … there is one little problem that is stated in this scripture:
1 Corinthians 13:11-13
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
The problem is that we SEE BUT A POOR REFLECTION, WE ONLY KNOW “IN PART” — not completely. As imperfect beings, though our intentions are 100% good, we do NOT know God’s Will (other than what is written in His Word). For instance, we KNOW God wants people to be saved. But remember this:
Isaiah 55:8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD.
Can we hear clear direction from our Lord? YES. But dare we assume that we have the entire picture?
I have seen some intercessors cross the line and assume they have all of the facts and make some very stern comments. They really believe they are hearing from the Lord and in their passion they can often try to act as the Holy Spirit for someone. Warning!!! Honestly, we should all just mind our own business (ha), but since we want to “help” others and give our “advice” and “expertise” we can definitely play with fire. Not a holy fire either, but a fire on our words that hurts and condemns. When the victim, uh … I mean person receiving “counsel” feels judged and condemned when we walk away — how did we minister? How did we show God’s love?
Let me tell you this dear intercessor. If your words bring condemnation to someone, guess what?
Romans 8:1
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus …
No matter what role we are in or what we feel certain we “know” — we must walk in humility and gentleness with others. We should pray for others, but leave our advice out of a situation (unless asked). If people see our fruit and trust our hearts, THEN they will ask our opinion. If we aren’t asked, then we should walk in the love of Christ with people and keep our MOUTHS shut. Trust me, I’m sure I’ve done the very things I’m “buzzing” about.
I am speaking from my own mistakes over the years as well. I am really learning a lot of lessons during this season and I am thankful for some things that I am seeing (even though in part).
Ok, thank you for allowing me to release my “bee” … I feel much better.
You had that bee for a while? But it did leave some honey!!! 🙂
His Word is as sweet as honey. And you brought up something important. We must be careful not to quench the Spirit's work in someone else's life. We think we are telling them the best option when it's actually the Spirit doing His work for whatever someone is going through. I always pray for discernment sister because I don't want to help someone when actually I'm opposing His work. Great post!!! God bless and protect you sister.
Beth, I think we have all done those things. It is soooo hard for me sometimes…I am getting better, but clearly still a work in progress.
Blessings, andrea
Thank you BETH! Your amazing, and I appreciate you sharing your wisdom!
There's nothing wrong with beeing a good reminder before one get's stung. 🙂
Thank you for the reminder, these things you was "buzzing" about, I have been guilty for doing. I also have been on the other end of it to, I have been confused and hurt so we definitely need to use wisdom. Great Post! You are blessed, Beth. Have a great day!
You go girl! I agree with everything you said!!! 😉
Interesting thoughts. Would you believe I talked about "others being our holy spirit" in my blog today??? Weird!
Good post! Glad you got a "bee in your bonnet!" 🙂
Great post! I have experienced this first hand by someone giving my daughter a prophetic word that was really a dividing word in our family. Praise God we had enough wisdom to recognize it and work through it but the couple who sent forth the word would never even hear our concern and went confronted left the church…..it's sad because my husband is also prophetic and he learned early on give only what you hear and don't add on your own thoughts! But most importantly do it in love!
Bless you my friend
I know what you're talking about and I totally agree. I don't think these "well meaning" people have any clue how hurtful their so-called help can be. I pray that God will help us all to be slow to speak, and wait on His Spirit for leading to know if, when and how we should instruct someone.
Oh, girl…I've had a bee in my bonnet about this subject for such a long time!
Nothing causes my guard to go up faster than a comment that begins with, "God told me to tell you…", or "God is showing me that you need to…" OR, the biggest one, "I have a word from the Lord for you!"
I mean, I believe there are those who have the gift of prophecy, and those who receive a specific word from God for someone else. However, we must use wisdom and discernment about those who share a "word from the Lord", so that we will know when a message is truly from Him.
This is a great message, Beth!
buzz buzz 😀
Great post!
Powerful, bless you sis.
Just recently this very same thing happened to me. A friend and prayer warrior issued judgement against one of my kids, when all I asked her to do was pray for them. Judgement hurts, and it's not of God.
I always learn something from your incredible insight, wisdom, and FAITH! Bless you for that!
I am so in agreement here with you Beth. We don't know God's will for that person unless they are doing something contrary to the Word of God. But the Lord may use a trial or suffering for their good and His glory. So, we must praise Him even in the midst of trials and not always just want them to go away.
Blessings and love,
5 Stars!!! Oh wait, this isn't youtube, lol. Great post Sis and I couldn't agree more. Very good indeed!! ((hugs))
Beth you are such a wonderful person! Thank you being a good friend to us all.
I didn't realize you were still on your weight loss journey? I am praying for you for much success my friend. You do look amazing and gorgeous! *Smiles*
I totally agree, my friend! I know someone who can be just like that. I know she has good intentions, but at the same time has offended so many people. It can turn people off and also cause division.
Great post!!
Beth God is leading you.Wisedom She stettle's on those who are open to God's word and to listen to Him. And the greatest gift is love. Love to all the family.
Those are some very wise words, my friends. When praying for someone else, shouldn't you pray for God's will and not Your will – just as when you pray for yourself? Too often we decide that we know what's best or how we want something to turn out so we pray for the end result with an exaction that doesn't exist.
Thanks for the food for thought today. 🙂