This morning at 6:20 I headed to the yard to let my chickens out. I caught the time as I was going outside because my daughter’s alarm goes off at 6:30 and I wanted to be back in before she came into the den.
As I walked around to the first coop I heard a lot of commotion taking place where all of the chickens were roosting. I heard “bluck bluck bluck” as the chickens all banged against the wire. I had a feeling there was evil afoot! Once I approached the big coop I noticed almost every hen was pushed up against the fence. I knew something was in that coop!
I opened the door …
Slowly peeked into the dark part of the coop …
There IT was!
I white faced opossum, but we just call them “possums” around here.
Those are some disgusting looking animals. Sharp snarly smile … pointy nose … course hair … rat looking tail!
It just so happened that my husband who normally leaves by 5:45 was still in the bed. I ran to him, “You have to come shoot a possum in the chicken house!” He mumbled, “I’ll shoot him tomorrow.” I pleaded several times with no success so I knew what I had to do. I HAD TO SHOOT THAT POSSUM!
Before I move on with this story, I wanted to share this analogy with you.
I ran to my husband for protection and help, but he had already given me everything I needed to protect myself. Last Christmas he gave me a 38 Special (a pistol in case you aren’t familiar) and bullets. It even projects a laser to help me hit the target. He equipped me.
God has done the same thing for us. Through sending His precious Son, Jesus — we are equipped. Jesus did everything He needed to do for us on the cross. Afterwards He sent us His Holy Spirit — our Teacher and Comforter. We have access to everything God has provided. We just need to seek God with our whole hearts.
We know our enemy.
Ephesians 6:12
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Jesus has given us authority!
Luke 10:18-20
And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”
So what do we do when the enemy is trying to steal, kill, and destroy? We use our weapons!
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ …
We don’t war like the world, but we war with the tools God has given us. We have a full armor that must be in place (read Ephesians chapter 6:10-20). We are given the Word of God to read, learn, and USE against the enemy of our souls.
This morning, it wasn’t a spiritual battle, so I used my natural weapon (though I was praying too). I had never shot and killed an animal. And I wouldn’t have done it this morning if I didn’t have to protect my hens. But alas, I walked into the coop and placed the laser on the possum. Being a girl, I shut my eyes and pulled the trigger.
I peeked to see the possum limping a little, but not falling off of the ledge. Oh man, I can’t have him suffer, “Lord please help me.”
Finally that snarling enemy fell to the ground. Dead.
I was shaking in my flip-flops. My first kill! A gross possum! Ick.
I ran into the house to tell my hubby that HE would have to go dispose of the possum. He was really proud of me for shooting it — even though I did shoot a hole though our barn and through the metal shelter behind it. Thankfully I didn’t hit a tractor (ha).
Here is my knight in shining blue jeans disposing of my nemesis! I refused to touch that thing!
Okay — so I shared all of this to make a point: God has equipped us with everything we need here on earth. Jesus died on the cross to give us sonship with God the Father. We are joint heirs and are now citizens of heaven. When the enemy comes prowling, sound the alarm — draw close to the Father, but also use the weapons He has provided.
It was a happy ending for the chickens as they checked out their dead enemy.
We would rejoice too if we only understood our authority as believers. We are sons and daughters of God.
These chickens took great comfort (I’m sure) in knowing that I had their backs.
Hi Beth, that is a funny story and I get the message. It was a good thing you got there when you did or that ‘possum would have had a Sunday meal on a Thursday morning. I wouldn’t have been prepared like you, just a kitchen broom and lots of prayin’ and swingin’!
Very good analogy – even funnier story! My hubby’s going to get me a gun too…but I think I’ll wait to tell him your story AFTER he buys me one, LOL
love the story and the analogy you used with it.
The title piqued my interest! Yeah. good analogy Beth! Thanks for sharing…and I would have screamed too! haven’t learned how to shoot a gun yet though.
Thanks for my laugh of the day. You make us redneck girls proud.
Well Beth, You are a true “GRITS” Girl Raised In the South. Jerry wanted to know how you are going to cook it and can he come to dinner? LOL