I am thankful for the pastors who are in my life!
I have reached out to three of our pastors in particular during this season of trying to figure out why God is asking my husband and I to make a course change.
It has not been an easy decision, especially for me. And even though I think we are moving ahead with what we believe He is asking of us, I am still not happy about it. I am just along for the ride at this point and totally leaving this decision up to my husband. I am submitting, but not with a joyful heart. But anyway, I am grateful for the advice received from these three men of God.
I was given some nuggets of wisdom that I think I will always remember. One pastor’s advice would benefit everyone reading this, so I am going to share with you:
He said, “As you obviously know, you just need to obey and follow the Lord. Nobody likes “static,” yet maybe the challenge of static and the clamoring voices should only prove to confirm your word, not take way from your word.
Push back isn’t a threat if you’ve truly heard from God. If the push back changes your position, then it probably wasn’t a word. Considering what others say is okay, but ultimately a true word will win out. I’ve been there many times. Grace grace.”
I am grateful that I have even had the opportunity to sit under the teaching of these men of God who literally change the world. Seriously.
From the time I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, it has been my heart’s desire to be in a church with people who were like me. I was tired of being the square peg with a bunch of round ones. God has given me six years with people of my “tribe” — others who believe like I do and celebrate the Lord exuberantly.
Most of all, I am thankful that though I don’t understand what God is doing, I know He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is always with us.
I am linking with Iris at Grace Alone. You may visit her and join along by clicking on her button below:
I’m so glad God has a plan for us and won’t leave us.
God bless you as you trust Him and His timing.
My heart is so with you on this. I’ve been right where you are – 10 years ago this spring in fact. I’ll be keeping you in prayer. Bless you 🙂 Have a wonderful and fun weekend.