Just an update on the SHMILY (See How Much I Love You) pray for our husband challenge. (In case you aren’t familiar with this challenge, visit Amy at Dandelion Seeds HERE.)
Today’s chapter from The Power of a Praying Wife is about our husband’s INTEGRITY. Stormie gave this definition of Integrity on page 117, “Integrity is not what you appear to be when all eyes are on you. It’s who you are when no one is looking. It’s a level of morality below which you never fall, no matter what’s happening around you. It’s a high standard of honesty, truthfulness, decency, and honor that is never breached. It is doing for others the way you would want them to do for you.”
Proverbs 20:7
The righteous man walks in his integrity; his children are blessed after him.
I definitely want my daughter to receive a heritage from her father’s integrity!
Will join me and cover your husbands with this prayer that Stormie provided?
Lord, I pray that You would make my husband a man of integrity, according to Your standards. Give him strength to say “Yes” when he should say “Yes,” and courage to say “No” when he should say “No.” Enable him to stand for what he knows is right and not waver under pressure from the world. Don’t let him be a man who is “always learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7). Give him, instead, a teachable spirit that is willing to listen to the voice of wisdom and grow in Your ways.Make him a man who lives by truth. Help him to walk with Your Spirit of truth at all times (John 16:13). Be with him to bear witness to the truth so that in times of pressure he will act on it with confidence (1 John 1:8,9). Where he has erred in this and other matters, give him a heart that is quick to confess his mistakes. For You have said in Your Word, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:8,9). Don’t let him be deceived. Don’t let him live a lie in any way. Bind mercy and truth around his neck and write them on the tablet of his heart so he will find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man (Proverbs 3:34). In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
On a personal note, I have to praise God for all of the awesome changes I have already seen take place in the past 14 days! I have a wonderful husband and it has blessed me beyond words to see these breakthroughs! God has a way of doing things that are sweeter than any plans we could ever orchestrate or imagine. To Him be all of the glory! And just so you know, my hubby has no idea I’ve been praying through this little book. hee hee
(About the picture: It was taken Friday night. I did not beat up my husband’s nose. Ha. An air hose got away from him and popped him in the nose and head! Thankfully it didn’t hit his eye! Though his nose is sore and looks scratched up, he is fine.)
Hi Beth,
I'm enjoying following along vicariously. I've read this book and taught it as a Bible study. I may have mentioned before, it is one that stays on my current reading shelf because I refer back to it frequently.
Adding SHMILY to it is just an extra bonus!
Keep it up…your family will be blessed by it.
Love you my NC friend!
I'm coming in halfway, but because of what I read at http://bethinnc.blogspot.com/2009/06/shmily_14.html
You can count me in as well.
I have often said to friends that I didn't have a problem with Job's wife statement and I have always felt she got a bad rap. No one ever wants to look at it from HER point of view. SHE lost her income. SHE lost her social community. SHE lost her children!
My husband was laid off for the third holiday season in a row in late 2002. By the grace of God every year we still had a wonderful Thanksgiving (even if we had to use food stamps to buy the food). Miraculously, our children were provided for every Christmas, but financially we were in peril of losing everything.
Then the unthinkable happened. Our first born daughter who was to turn 13 years old on Christmas Day said on on 12/23/2002, "Mom, I have a headache." Three weeks later was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Just 72 hours after that, our baby was gone. Thankfully, one of the only things that did get paid faithfully was insurance; life and medical.
He finally was able to get another job in May of 2003. My father-in-law loaned us $15,000 to keep our house from being foreclosed. It took us 4 years to pay him back. By June, my husband was so depressed from our daughter's death that he was hinting at suicide. We were also pastoring full time, carrying our burdens as well as our disciples.
I had to pray through my pain to keep him here. I had to keep encouraging him that even if we lost the house, it would be okay because we would be together. All the while my heart ached for my daughter.
Right now, we are facing another crisis. We have been called upon to care for my sister's two sons. This is not helping our finances any but God continues to provide in different ways. My sister has bipolar disorder and possibly a personality disorder as well and is taking us back to court again to try to regain custody of the younger one. My mom is now facing some serious health challenges too. As stressful as those situations are, I cannot neglect praying for my husband.
Thank you for the challenge!
That's one of her awesome prayers and thank You to the One Who hears them! I'm not surprised at all to hear that there are incredible changes already with your hubby and he doesn't even know you're praying for him 🙂
What can go wrong when we bow our heads and commune with Him? It opens up a lot of channels because He always longs to bless us much more than we can imagine. Yes, to God be the glory!
Have a great weekend sister. Glad your hubby was okay!
I was wondering if you might be willing to mention my raffle/fundraiser. I would NOT ask if it wasn't for a great cause. Plus, there are over 90 donated prizes to win totaling over $3000.00! And who doesn't like to win??
It's really a win-win for everyone. People get to help me meet my fundraising goal AND potentionally win big.
Yesterdat was the 6th anniversary of my Dad's heart transplant. I am more determined than ever to give back in a big way.
This is the comment I have been leaving on certain blogs in hopes that the word will get out about what I'm trying to do.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE clickover and enter my raffle!! You can truly win TONS OF PRIZES (totaling over $3000.00 – goft crds, Starbucks coffee maker, $600 in camping equipemtn, gorgeous jewelry).
It's for a great cause….
6 years ago my Dad received a new heart.
This is my way of giving back.
Thank you for any help you can give,
Hi beth,
I did this similar challenge on my blog for our husbands, and you are so right , I too was able to see the changes and difference in my husbands life as I prayed for him. I have noticed that he has so much boldness to go forth in his music ministry without having to second guess or doubt his ability to go higher in the Lord through his leading when I am not able to be there to lead with him.
Praying for our husbands are so important so we can be in one accord with one another.
Hugz Lorie
I have not been able to play along. But I love this book. I can tell a huge difference when I pray for my hubby.
Glad to know you didn't beat him up, though 😉
I need this book. I have not read it as of yet but maybe I should be joining in. I need to be praying more frequently for my husband and all that he does to support our family!!!
Amen! Nothing like the power of prayer.
So happy that you are seeing the power of prayer in action already. It is amazing! So glad your husband was not seriously hurt. Prayers…
Very nice picture though.
We had a guest speaker at church today and he mentioned the same thing about integrity!!
I really do need to look for this book! LOL!
OH..and yes, thank God it didn't get your hubby in the eye! He must be sore!!
This is so awesome my friend, bless you.
thanks for sharing! 😀
i lost my power of praying wife book.. someone borrowed and never returned. so im not able to join u here…
Good wife…not breaking his nose.
Loved reading your good report, and I have to say that I enjoy your little "Hee, Hee"; that always makes me smile.
Wow! That is awesome to hear how God is working through this study with your husband. 😀
I've been praying for Steve for about 2 months now. I love that I am starting to see a change in him spiritually!!!