Each year, I am shocked at the selfishness of humans.  

Each fall we open our farm to the public.

Honestly, I don’t know how waiters and waitresses do it — dealing with the public.

I could probably write a book about the different characters who have come to our property, our land, our home — and disrespected us.

We were so busy yesterday that I helped watched the big bounce house.  We have 3 inflatables, but this one has a tall incline that the children climb then at the top they go down a steep slide.

We have a minimum height requirement.


You know, like at the fun parks, we have a line that states, “You must be this tall” type of thing.

The parents DON’T CARE.  They will argue with us over this bounce house.  I’m not kidding.

I could ramble about all of the things these selfish parents said to me (or about me) yesterday, but this one man let this little kid who was probably about 3 years old go on this slide.  I saw our younger employee was having problems, so I blocked the child from going back on.  I kindly said, “Son, you are too small for this particular house” and he totally ignored me.  I put my hand over the entrance (with my body) to keep him and others from running by me.  I told his Dad the minimum height requirement and the “dad” looked at the boy and said, “Go on through son.”  I said, “No.  He is too small” and the man said, “Go through!”  I wanted to tell him to get OFF of our property and deflate the house.

People have some nerve is all I will say about that situation.

He taught that little boy in one moment that:  He doesn’t have to obey the rules OR submit to authority.

He is just one of many examples.  I told another “father” that his daughter was too small.  He looked right at me — he heard me.  After letting her go on it three times he finally moved onto something else.    Even when we tell the people we are trying to protect their children and keep them safe — they still walk in offense and pride.

Nobody wants to hear “NO” … they are selfish and only want their way (even if it puts their children in danger).

I told one Mom two or three times that her child was too small (this was AFTER another employee tried to stop her).  Finally her little “precious” was stuck on top of the slide.  She had to go in and rescue him.   And you know I enjoyed reminding her, “That is why the manufacture recommends the height.  It is dangerous for children this small.”

Father God, please forgive us when YOU tell us not to do something and with arrogance we think we know better.  Forgive us when we think we are above the rules that are there to protect us.

There are many lessons to be learned in all of this.

I feel like I need to lay on my face before the Lord and have a good cleaning.  I get so frustrated with the lack of integrity and character.

(Photo taken at our house yesterday.)