Ok, one would think that a potty that is also a step stool would be a great combination, RIGHT? Well, I have a petite little 3 1/2 year old. Instead of purchasing a separate stool for her bathroom, she has been using her potty/step stool. No problem, RIGHT?!?!?!
Well, thankfully I noticed that the potty wasn’t in its normal location (Mom’s notice such things)! This discovery is especially important since we are leaving town tomorrow for a few days.
I decided to look INSIDE the cute little step stool to discover some urine and paper. Argh! I AM SO THANKFUL I FOUND IT!!! Can you imagine if this had gone unnoticed for a few days? Gag!
Why would my sweet little princess decide to use the potty after using the big girl commode for EVER?!?!? I scolded her about this and decided to take the “pot” out of the potty.
Who wants to place a bet that one day I am going to find her using that “step stool” without the pot in it? LOL Maybe I should just get off of my bottom and purchase ANOTHER step. We already have 4 floating around here. Sigh.
Just had to vent and give you a giggle.
That did give me a giggle! Who knows why they think the way they do!
Thanks for the laugh! Enjoy your few days out of town. Sounds like fun!
Aren’t little people a hoot 🙂
Haha! When our boys were small, we had a stepstool/potty combo that fit onto the toilet. One day, I caught one of the boys standing on it and peeing onto the FLOOR. :o)
So glad you found it…that could have been not so good. LOL
You might better just take up that potty all together. It would be much worse cleaning it up w/ no pot in it! Maybe she wanted the outhouse/port-a-john experience! YUK!!!