Good morning everyone! I am back from my short trip to the mountains. I missed you all.
This past week I shared about the 30 day prayer challenge that Amy at Dandelion Seeds started (SHMILY = See How Much I Love You). We are supposed to pray a chapter a day from The Power of a Praying Wife (Stormie Omartian) over our husbands.
I wanted to share some tidbits that all married women need to hear about our husbands sexuality. Ok, so maybe I JUST NEEDED TO READ IT — ha. Seriously, it was a good reminder.
One thing Stormie learned after praying with women the past 20 years is that a frequent sexual relationship is often a low priority in a woman’s mind because SO MANY other things scream for her attention: Raising children, work, finances, managing a home, emotional stress, exhaustion, sickness, marital strife, etc … For a wife, sex comes out of affection. She doesn’t want to be affectionate with a man who makes her feel angry, hurt, lonely, disappointed, overworked, unsupported, uncared for, or abandoned (page 62). But for a husband, sex is pure need. Stormie states that a man’s eyes, ears, brain, and emotions get clouded if he doesn’t have that release. He has trouble hearing anything is wife says or seeing what she needs when that area of his being is neglected.
WE SHOULD MAKE SEX A PRIORITY IN OUR MARRIAGE. Whether we feel like it or not, the point is to meet the needs of our husbands and keep the lines of communication open. This will also build up our husbands because it is a very vulnerable area for them.
Ok, this post could really get long if I went into all of the scriptural basis behind this chapter (trust me, there is plenty), but THIS PART was the “reminder” that I thought some of us women could use: PAGE 64
When your husband communicates what he has in mind, don’t roll your eyes and sigh (ha). Stormie suggested we say, “Okay, give me 15 minutes” (or however long we need). We should use that time to make ourselves feel more attractive. Put on scented body lotion or our husband’s favorite perfume. Comb our hair, make our face look fresh … lip gloss, blush. Slip into lingerie (which will help cover some of the imperfections that make us feel self-conscious). I needed this reminder because I usually take off all of my makeup in my prep time and this convicted me a little. Ok, for MIMI and others who don’t wear makeup … no big deal. :o) But for me, my eyes suddenly disappear without eye-liner. lol
Stormie suggested that while we are preparing, we should ask God to give us renewed energy, strength, vitality, and a good attitude. She reminded us that this was a small investment of our time and we would see great rewards in our marriage.
Oh, and one little OUCHIE near the end of the chapter — KEEP YOURSELF HEALTHY AND ATTRACTIVE. She stated that even if we don’t think highly enough of ourselves to take care of our bodies, that we should do it as an act of kindness for our husbands (ouch). Ok, that is all I’ll say about that (ducking head and moving slowly away from the computer).
If any of my married men friends have read this and are brave enough to comment — I’d love to know if you feel Stormie is “right on” or not.
God bless our marriages. BTW … IF you are interested in some great godly discussions about sex and marriage — hop over to this great blog: Adding Zest to your Nest.
Hmm, I do see some merit to what she is saying, however, it makes it seem like it is all the woman's responsibility.
The Bible tells husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the church. They are to honor us, cherish us – they have a responsibility to make us feel loved, which will in turn, help us feel more attractive, etc.
Just as a woman is praying for renewed energy, a husband should be praying that he fills his wife's emotional needs. Marriage is a partnership and God wants us both to do our parts.
Shelia… you ARE right, however, the book is the power of a praying "wife" and Stormie lets us know in the very first chapter (his WIFE) that in order to see a change in our marriage… WE must make the commitment to work on ourselves. She continues with this theme throughout the book… challenging us as wives to not shift the blame to our husbands, but to look to God and do the right thing no matter what.
Thanks so much for sharing here Beth! It's fabulous that you're sharing with other women!
I am in agreement with stormie on this point…I read this book and prayed these prayers for my husband a few years ago. I noticed the change in me. I also prayed the first prayer give my husband a new wife daily.
What a great reminder. I'm need to Amazon this book. It sounds like it gives us a clear biblical guide to helping us with our husbands. Thanks for the sex reminder…many times we Christians never talk about a basic need of our hubbies.
That is a great gift form God for a married couple and we forget to use that gift sometimes. That is a great reminder! Hmmm… I'm off at work tonight…:) lol.
liked this post. Glad you shared it!
Excellent reminder, Beth.
Have you made it over to yet? All about this kinda thing – and it's WONDERFUL.
Thank you for the great reminder Joanne. I added the "zest" blog to this post. Yay! I hope others will join the discussion.
Oh Beth, I do believe God is trying to get my attention. In the last two weeks, I keep reading things to do with sex and husbands.
I've also joined in over at Adding Zest to your Nest. I know it important, very important, just don't know where the zest went. 🙁
love and hugs,~Tammy
Thank you Beth for sharing this portion of the book. It is very important.
Such truth…
Awesome reminder sweetie.