I have a good friend who was called into a meeting yesterday. She and the other Christian woman in her office were singled out. One other person (a manager) was included in the meeting as a token so it wouldn’t be so obvious. There are two other employees at this place who operate in darkness (use witchcraft). These two employees weren’t called into this meeting.
First let me state that NO CUSTOMERS enter this office. The only foot traffic they have is when a UPS man comes in for a signature.
The owner of the company stated that he didn’t want religious symbols to be in the office (though they could keep one little item on their desks). My friend doesn’t even have anything on hers, but the other lady has scriptures around her computer. Nothing that would be offensive to anyone but the devil.
The owner said he had enough religion when he was young. BTW, the owner is rarely in this office.
Sounds like they were targeted if you ask me.
It doesn’t surprise me, but yet it surprises me.
What do you think about this?
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