I just wanted to touch base. I am leaving town for a couple of days and will miss my cyber friends! Before I leave, I do have some random stuff to share.

1. I just started following my own blog! LOL Don’t ask me how it happened. I don’t understand myself. I have a new follower and I wanted to thank her for following my blog. I clicked on her picture, but it didn’t look like she had her own blog. I thought I’d send her a friend request (or whatever it is you can do when people don’t have blogs) and it said I needed to sign in, blah blah blah. The next thing I know, I am following my own blog. Ha, well at least I have one more follower now. Seriously though, I am trying to remove myself. Whew, ok — I just did it. I figured out how to remove myself (ha). So new follower, Cathi, thank you for following me. I really am not this ditzy. Am I?

2. You will NOT believe what my mother said to me yesterday. I stopped by my parent’s house to take them some lunch. (Did I really have time? No. Was I in a big hurry — YES.) My mother said, “I saw Princess scratching her head the other day. Does your cat have fleas?” WHAT!?!?!? LOL! She was suggesting my daughter had fleas because she scratched her head. Oh brother … I tried not to be offended and I tried to keep my answer light, but my response was, “Mama, do you have fleas? You scratch your head sometimes too.” (No worries, I did assure her that my daughter does not have fleas.) My daddy just kept eating and shaking his head as if he couldn’t believe she said that. Sigh — for any of you who might be concerned — our cat has flea protection. Ha. This is just one of many comments that I get during my visits. Please forgive me. I really do respect my parents and I try to honor them. That comment just came out of left field and I thought you’d get a snicker out of it. Don’t judge me. Ha.

Below is a picture my sister just posted on facebook (and I snagged it). This was taken at Christmas. My brother Doug, sister Kathy, and our sweet daddy. Poor thing had a huge hole in his head for all of his Christmas pictures. And yes, that is me peeking over his shoulder.

3. On Tuesday, I ate like someone was going to steal all of the food in our house. I don’t know what happened. I think I am getting closer and closer to complete freedom and my flesh is rebelling. I can only blame myself though. Yesterday, I asked the Lord to help me by the power of His Spirit and I did great. Thank You Father! Here is a quick video I posted on youtube yesterday morning. Thankfully — it was a good day food-wise. This leads me to another point. I wish there was more of a weight loss community on blogger. Youtube has a big weight loss community — that is where I get support (and a kick in the bottom when I need it). Just in case you’re wondering why I vlogged about my struggle …

4. The weather here as been beautiful, but cold weather is coming back to get us. Sniff, sniff. I hope my new ferns will be OK through this winter chill of the low 30’s coming this weekend. Perhaps I should bring them in the house. Hmmm.

5. I still feel like something is holding me back at church. I haven’t stepped up and started serving yet. After so many years of wearing so many ministry hats — am I just fearful of being burned again? Have I lost confidence in myself? (Which is ridiculous because my confidence should be in Christ.) Last night the prayer coordinator handed me the microphone to pray. She kept waiting for me to willingly walk up to take it, but I wouldn’t. What is wrong with me? Argh. Am I waiting for us to join the church? We have been there three years and still haven’t joined. I’m waiting on my hubby and he is taking his time. :-/

6. Just in case you are wondering what books I have sitting next to my chair at the moment: The Diet Alternative by Diane Hampton, Power to Heal by Joan Hunter, Healing the Whole Man Handbook by Joan Hunter, In a Dream, In a Vision of the Night by Susan Noone Riddle, Prayers that Break Curses by John Eckhardt, and Biblical Foundations of Freedom — Destroying Satan’s Lies With God’s Truth by Art Mathias, Prayers that Rout Demons by John Eckhardt, and last but not least — a set of teaching CD’s I just received yesterday: Prayers that Heal the Heart (Prayer counseling that breaks every yoke) by Dr. Mark Virkler. Woo hoo! Did you know I could read all of these at once? Ha.

7. I purchased the SWEETEST book for my Princess the other day. She loves it and has almost memorized the story. Look at that little llama. Isn’t he precious? I am in love with this cutie patootie book!

BTW … Surely you know that I am never compensated for the books or products that I mention. Ha, I’d like to be (hint hint), but I just share what I enjoy.

Well, I’m sure you’ve had enough of my randomness for today. Thanks for visiting and I pray you have an awesome weekend!