Princess had a great time this morning! She went to a birthday party. It was actually a Princess Party! All of the girls wore princess gowns. It was terribly cute, unfortunately I didn’t get ANY pictures. Can you believe it? What I do have are pictures of the art on her face. I am definitely going to use this artist for future parties. This painting was called a rainbow, but you should have seen the butterflies! It was amazing! Enjoy my cutie below:

Now for a totally different subject.
A picture is worth a thousand words isn’t it? Scream! This is exactly how I felt about an hour ago. I decided I’d take my “Daisy Dollars” — you know, $5.00 off every $25.00 spent at the Dress Barn. Well … 1) the daisy dollars can’t be used until tomorrow (sigh), 2) I looked like the lady in the mirror with everything I tried on.

Most ladies know that sometimes we have “good” shopping days and some days just “bite” …

If nothing else, it will either depress a gal or give her the swift KICK she needs to get back on track. I refuse to be depressed — I’m just too blessed to go there, so instead I’ll receive it as a swift KICK. I HAVE COME TOO FAR TO STILL FEEL FAT! What in the world? Plus, I’m still not at the place where I feel comfortable wearing short sleeves. That is SO not fair since I’ve worked so hard. I’m tired of being hot each summer — hiding under my clothes. Hmph. Of course, I must admit that I’ve practically had chocolate hooked to an IV since Valentines. Today WalMart had their Easter chocolate on sale … and you know where this is going. I didn’t resist temptation. Instead I bought some baby blue M&M’s and ate them all.

Anyway, it is April. If I straighten up, surely I could lose some additional weight before summer. Right? If I crucify my flesh and this obsession with chocolate, I’ll be much better off.

How could I forget to mention that TODAY is my sweet hubby’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday dear man! We met when I was 14 and he was 15. We rode home from a party together. We met again when I was 17. We dated for 6 months then got back together when I was 20. Married at 22 and now 20 years later — here we are. Happy Birthday Dear!