I originally posted this story April of 2010, but I stumbled upon it again and thought it would bring some new readers a smile. Have a blessed Monday everyone! Enjoy!
I wouldn’t be a good blogger if I didn’t share what happened at our house this morning.
Our cats awakened me around 4am (stinkin’ cats) so I tossed and turned until my husband left to go turkey hunting. I must have dozed back off because at 6:30am I heard our doorbell. It was the front door (which is next to our bedroom). I thought, “Uh, NO WAY. I am NOT going to answer this door!” Immediately I figured one of our cows had gotten out. Before I had time to think anything else, I heard a knock on the door and “____ police” … (I can’t tell you the name of our town of course). Ha. Police? OH MAN! Now I must open the door.
Now, you want to talk about a serious case of bed head! Ha — I should have taken a picture for blogging purposes, but it was B A D. Standing straight up.
So, I grabbed a robe, cut off burglar alarm and there stood two policemen. I hear, “Ma’am, is all of this property on this farm yours?” “Uh, yes … why?” I asked. “There might be a mentally disturbed lady on your property and we are searching for her” he said. Oh great! Nothing like waking to hear that a mentally unstable person is sneaking around our place. Hmmmm.
He proceeded to tell me that she left her home (on foot) around 2:30am and told her husband she was headed to our farm because the “spirit” had told her that Billy Graham was having a crusade here. Hmmmm. Poor lady. Of course we would love to have a crusade here on our farm, but unfortunately she wasn’t hearing from the Holy Spirit.
You should have seen our yard. We had the fire department, water & rescue (since we have 2 ponds), and police in our yard. The neighbors were all stirred up about the possibilities of what was happening here.
They searched all of our barns (a bunch of them), shelters, farm equipment, behind our bushes, sheds, etc … Each barn that was searched had police tape over the doors to show if the woman escaped a barn or tried to enter. Comforting for me, eh? Finally after they were here SEVERAL HOURS, the woman returned to her home (thankfully).
On a funny note — I could kick myself for not being a good fly-baby lately (you know, the flylady.net) because our guest bathroom needed cleaning. Two of the policemen had to use our restroom. SCREAM!!!! Figures. Argh. It never fails — if everything is spotless, NOBODY comes. Most of you remember the story about Sen. Elizabeth Dole changing clothes in my bedroom. SCREAM! If you missed that post and want a laugh, click HERE.
Anyway, the woman is home (for now) and as far as I know Billy Graham isn’t having a crusade here today. Of course, I’d love to meet him and his family.
Perhaps our afternoon will be much less eventful.
Photo credit: A few of the rescue workers in our yard AFTER it was over.
Billy Graham photo credit: click here.
Never a dull moment huh? How cool if Billy Graham did come. Now THAT would be Spirit filled!
Exciting things over at your place, huh? I am thankful they found the lady and sad for you that Billy Graham will not be doing a crusade at your farm.
Talk about an adventure! Too bad Billy isn't coming over.
Hugs, andrea
That is funny in its own way but sad in another way. What a way to start Monday, huh? It does make for good blog material though.
Funny and scary at the same time. The police were at our door looking for someone else the other day, too. It wasn't early in the morning, though.
Wow Beth! That was quite an eventful morning for you. A bit scary too but I am glad the woman made it home safely! I wouldn't worry about the bathroom either, I'm sure they've seen far worse!
Have a blessed day!
Beth–you better catch up on FLYlady…you don't know what that lady saw! Billy Graham might be coming and then what? He has to see an unshined sink? Glad they found her and she's OK!
Wow Beth what an eventful day!I am so glad that the lady made it home safely.
I have been to many Billy Graham crusades In England. I so enjoyed his messages!
Have a wonderful day!
Blessings and hugs.
Nothing like a little drama to get you up and moving, huh? 🙂 Billy Graham is someone I've always loved and admired. Would love to meet him in person! Hope you have a fantastic Monday, my friend!
OMG! Glad she is OK!
Don't you love it when you get a ring at the door and then…you get a great blogging story! Ha!
Blessings Beth…You meant the photo of Billy Graham looking out on your fields…not the police personnel, right?
Love this…girl! waiting to hear the report on how many cows saved or any other special anointings!!! Better get stuff ready…if you are having such an important upcoming event!
Never know, this might have been prophetic… many people believe
that they are mentally unstable…
(lol)… praying for you and that dear lost soul!
You have a way with words turning a hectic event into a funny tale. What a wild day and glad the lady was ok.
Maybe you should host a revival on your land? Like this was a sign?
wow!!!! good morning to you!!!!
Hi Beth! Well, you certainly started your day off with a bang! WOW. I had to go read the story on Se. Dole also – what a great story (& funny). You are a great blogger Beth! Love coming here & reading. Hope you get an uneventful evening after your start to your day today. Sending you big hugs!
Such an exciting life sis, lol
Beth glad lady got home. But the they didn.t find the Still hic' hic'
LOL, never a dull moment on your farm. At least the poor lady was looking for a Godly man and not the boogy man.
Just…wow. Though I have to say if anyone were looking for where the Spirit was, heading where you were would be a great place to start, Beth.
Just so glad the woman is safe and no one was hurt including her.
If Billy Graham shows up for a Holy Spirit filled good time, call me.
I remember reading the story you shared of Sen. Doyle showing up. I also remember the photo you posted. Great story.
Hugs and blessings.
Well, that was an interesting morning!!! LOL!
I know..I hate that when things are not tidy and someone unexpectedly comes over! It makes it seem like it's like that all the time..LOL!
Hi Beth! Was hoping you had a new post up. You always make me smile when I drop by. I am doing another giveaway at my blog, & would love for to stop in & join in the fun! My url is http://homespunblessings.net/Gratefulheartblog.html Sending you big hugs!
I remember that day! Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
Awwww. That gives me a warm fuzzy that you remember. Ha. It was quite a shock that morning! I had forgotten about it until I found this old post. Love ya Barbie!
Love your blog! I’m following via GFC and Twitter. Thanks for stopping in to see me at Doorkeeper! Blessings!
Thank you Renee! I appreciate it! <3
I enjoyed this post. So funny! It is crazy when the house is clean and things are put in their places no one comes…”it is what it is”. Have a blessed day. I also live in NC. Come visit me sometime on my blog.