Yay, it is time for the Photo-a-day challenge! I have always wanted to participate in something like this, so I appreciate Barbie with My Freshly Brewed Life for hosting it!
Here is my adorable Buff Orpington, Buffy.
I really don’t have a crooked face. Yes, these are my green eyes.
This is a clock that my parents gave us years ago. They may have given it to us when we married. I think it is called a Regulator clock. It has a long bottom with a swinging pendulum.
Upside down
This is my little one practicing a hand-stand. I had to place a modesty bow on the photo. Ha.
My princess as she prepares for her gymnastic lesson.
I thought I was fairly safe placing this picture of strangers on this post since they have on sunglasses. I did sneak a picture of a lady while I was eating in a restaurant, but she looked right at me! lol I definitely couldn’t use that one (plus I think I was caught).
I made my hand/heart red~
This is what I saw when I walked out on my deck.
That was a lot of fun! If you would like to visit Barbie, click here.
Okay, Buffy is beautiful! Your princess looks so excited about her gymnastics class. And you are brave for capturing photos of strangers. In mine, I was actually taking a picture of someone I knew in the crowd and well, those other people just happened to be there 🙂
So fun to have you link up!