Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Party 2012 hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom!
What is a blog party? It is a place where bloggers from all over the world connect! Prizes are given and friendships are made.  If you blog — come join us!
Welcome to my little corner of the world. If this is your first time, I hope you will find something here that touches your heart or gives you a smile!  Grab something to drink, sit back, and enjoy some Apple-Nut cake~ Oh, you’d like the recipe? You can find it here in my cook book.
How did I get here?
I started blogging 5 years ago.  I have recorded my life in journals since I was a child, so when I went through a difficult time in my life in 2006 — it was just natural for me to record my thoughts. This time, I decided to put them out there for the world to see.
Over the years I have covered many topics: Forgiveness, Healing, Marriage, Weigh loss/Weight gain, and Family. I also love to participate in Memes and Blog Hops. Oh, don’t be surprised if you see chickens and chicken coops show up every once in a while! On April 17th, I will be participating in a HEN HOP! Oh yes, you read that correctly. So be sure to come by and meet my hens and see some cute pictures. Oh, I guess I forgot to tell you that I live on a farm.
Home Sweet Country Home
My husband’s great-grandfather built our house back in 1900. Nothing in it is square, but it is home.
Speaking of my husband, we have been married 22 years — going on 23.  We had plenty of years alone before our precious daughter was born (who is now 6).  God’s timing never seems to be the same as ours. Can I get an “AMEN” on that? But His timing is perfect. Our little one (I call Princess on here) has been nothing but a sweet joy to us!
God’s plan also placed me as a card-carrying member of the sandwich generation — caring for elderly parents and raising a young child. It keeps things interesting to say the least!  It also keeps me on my knees.
If you take a peek at my “about me” section, you will find part of my testimony. I was bound by fear for many years. It was extreme torment and it controlled my daily life.  Now I am FREE and I praise the One who broke the chains! I can’t be silent about the Lord or His Word. Why? Because I know there are others who are suffering and are in a similar situation. I was a Christian, but I didn’t know God’s Word. I also didn’t know about spiritual warfare and my authority as a believer. You may find me teaching others how to find freedom.
This blog reflects my life.
Who you see on this blog is who I really am.
Would you like to link arms with me as we walk on this journey — this gift called life?  I would love to stay connected. You can keep up with me several different ways. Just check out your options on the right side of my blog. Don’t think our friendship stops here. I have been known to call my blog-friends and pray for them.
Hope to see you often!
Don’t forget to click on the button below and join the party!
Have a blessed Friday Everyone!
Hi Beth! I’m visiting from UBP12–nice to meet you! Yes, I know that fear thing and I’m shouting “amen” about God’s timing having very little to do with my sense of timing. Yet, He is faithful.
We raised chickens when my daughter was young. Your post brought back some fond memories. Blessings.
Hi, Beth — stopping in from UBC and loving your blog, plus your country home in NC! I hail originally from TN so that land looks a lot like home. I appreciate the work you’re doing here with God’s blessings and I’ll be coming back. 🙂
Nice to see you at the party Beth. Your home is beautiful! You are beautiful! Have a blessed day.
Sounds like a fun blog party. May you be blessed by your writing and serving in ministry in whatever you do, God be with you.
Thank you for visiting my blog. Coming over from UBP 2012. Wow! Read your About Me. So rare to find another filled with the Holy Spirit (besides church family). Praise the Lord! Beautiful house. Now have to add you to my sidebar.
Thanks for your visit – this UBP12 is such a fun idea! Enjoyed the photo of your home – looks like a peaceful, beautiful place to live. It sounds like you have a full life, caring for your sweet daughter and also your elderly parents. And so thankful for God’s grace and mercy in rescuing us, and giving us true freedom.
It is wonderful to hear of your freedom from fear.
So glad to meet your through the UBP. Happy party day.
So glad you stopped by Finding Heaven! Super excited to meet you. I followed you back and I just have to say, I love it when people are authentic in the blog world. Can’t wait to get to know you better!
Hello, and thank you so much for stopping by my blog! Your “home sweet county home” sounds just wonderful, and I enjoyed getting to know you better.
I love your site and your obvious Faith.. I’m Stopping by from the UBP. This is my first party and I’m hoping to be able to visit a lot of bloggers. Please try and stop by and say hello. Have a great week-end!
Hi Beth! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving your sweet comment. May all the praise and glory go to Him! Have a great weekend!
I’m stopping by from the UBP…..thanks for visiting by my site! I saw your cake with apples and raisins….yum!
Have a great weekend!
Jennifer from Teachingboys.net
Hi Beth,
I am stopping by from UBP, and wanted to thank you for visiting my blog as well! I love your header. Have a great week!
Hey Beth! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am enjoying exploring yours too.
found you via UBP, and I’m a new twitter follower. I’m also a resident of NC…your farm looks beautiful. God bless you.
Hi Beth! Stopping by from UBP12 and Kaye @ SandwichInk. I am a Sandwich Mama too and know exactly what you mean by spending time on your knees through this journey! I am excited to meet another Sandwich! 🙂
Great to “meet” you! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I’m digging yours too! 🙂 Enjoy the party!
Hello! Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting! I’m excited to be a new follower!
Be Blessed,
Ashley 🙂
I enjoy getting to know you, Beth. Thanks for visiting my blog, “Living for God.” So glad to hear that you’re free from fear. I can’t be silent about the Lord and His Word, either :).
Beth, it is a pleasure to meet you! I have spent a little bit of time looking around and love everything you say, especially what you wrote about freedom! Amen, sister, amen! I am following you on my google page now. I’ll have to check out the hen hop. I only have two hens now. Up until a crisis hit our family last summer, we had forty hens and one rooster. I sure do miss those girls!
Hi. What a sweet house full of sweet family memories! Truly a delight. 🙂 So nice to meet a fellow member of the Sandwich Generation at the Ultimate Blog Party 2012. Have a blessed week.
Nice to “meet” you! Just dropping by from The Ultimate Blog Party I am looking forward to networking with you and getting to know you better! I hope you have the opportunity to visit our blog! http://www.thehealthymoms.net/2012/04/ultimate-blog-party-2012.html
Hello Beth. Thank you very much for taking the time to stop by my site and introduce yourself. I read your about me, it’s lovely to be getting to know you. I was not raised in a Christian family but accepted Christ as a small child. I wasn’t able to start attending church until high school, when friends could give me a lift, so I didn’t really have any background for my faith. Then I was accepted to a wonderful Christian college and my faith grew roots. I was unfamiliar with denominations when I applied for college and the one I ended up at was a Baptist college. I know for certain it is exactly where God wanted me to develop and I truly appreciate my education from there. That said, I had a lot of questions about the Holy Spirit which no one there could really answer for me. I remember vividly being at a worship service at the school and clearly seeing words come across my mind which I didn’t understand. I knew immediately that it was a spiritual tongue and felt an urge to start speaking it, but I didn’t. I loved the people I was with as well as the educators who had finally given me the teaching I needed. I didn’t want to offend them. So I prayed silently for God to take the words away, and faithfully He did so. The words have never come back and for the most part I haven’t really missed it. My husband will sometimes pray in tongues over me while we’re praying and I always feel safe and at peace when it happens, but I’ve never felt the urge again to do so myself. There have been a few times when someone has told me that I can’t be a real Christian if I haven’t spoken in tongues, but I’m pretty confident of my salvation in Christ and I know I’m following God’s will for my life. Also, I’m confident that if it’s important to God that I speak in tongues He will again present me with the option to do so. In any case, I’ve never heard of anyone else who saw the words in their mind and I’m very intrigued and encouraged to learn that others have had a similar experience- it gives me confidence that my experience was genuine. Thanks for that. Looking forward to getting to know you better, Jennifer.
Enjoiyed my stop tonight…So many new blogs this year…
So much fun party hopping….meeting new friends and finding old ones…I just added another great prize to my giveaways…so now you have 3 good prizes…I would love for you to win. A comment is all it takes..Hope you will also stop by my Pinterest boards….I have over 900
Hi Beth,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It gave me the chance to discover yours and I love it. Your chickens are adorable {and honestly I never thought I would say that about chickens}. Looking forward to reading more!
Peace and blessings,
Hi! I just stopped by from the party…and love your site. My husband and I have been married (this will make 22 yrs in God’s eyes)…we married, divorced and remarried…so, I get the ‘forgiveness’..and have lived in torment, as well.. like you, I am thankful for the one who set me free…and continues to.