Yesterday I decided I needed to paint my parent’s bedroom.
What was I thinking?
I tried to rope my sister into my plan, but she couldn’t swing it.
I also tried contacting a professional painter I know, but he was on another big project.
“I’m wasting time!” I said as I raced to the truck and headed to Home Depot. I did think of two of my friends I could actually impose such a request upon, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.
As I was leaving Home Depot with a cart full of paint and painting paraphernalia I received a phone call.
Ashley, “Beth, are you OK? God told me to call you.” Ahhhh, thank You Father! He knew I needed to get this room painted and that the project was too big for me. I told Ashley my problem and how I had thought of her but didn’t want to call her. Being the sweet friend that she is — she skipped her plans and joined me.
We painted that room from noon until around 4pm. We hit it fast and hard … painting around the furniture (lol) — yes, it is true. Hey — don’t judge. You have no idea how heavy and packed those pieces of furniture are — trust me.
The room looks 100% better than it did!
Want to know what colors we used?
Here is the color of the ceiling and trim work (uh, yes on my hand):
Or maybe you can tell better by looking at my foot!
Oh, the wall color? Thanks to my shirt — you can get a glimpse of the color: Antique White
Well, maybe it looks like mustard on my shirt, but it really is a pretty color on the walls.
I am so glad that task is behind me!
What to do today? Hmmmm.
I know one thing, IT WON’T BE PAINTING (I hope …)
Have a blessed day everyone!
lol….I admire you for even attempting to paint a room…with or without help!! I would NEVER do that!! I guess I don’t have the confidence in myself that I could do it without making a major mess!
So glad you got it done! Bet it does look great!
Thank you Beth! God definitely gave us grace in the entire endeavor!
lol… I am glad to know I am not the only to give into painting impulses. I actually like painting…or did until a few years ago when I decided to paint my dining room and all the crown molding brought me to my knees!!! I stopped with that room. I do love the colors you chose.
Ha. The bad thing is … once you start a project like that you have to finish it. Ick. Oh my — crown molding? lol
I’m amazed when your friend said that God told her to call you! God really always knows what to do when we need help. And I bet the room looks great after your hard work.
God bless! 🙂
I know, isn’t God good Irene? I was grateful for the help! Bless you!
How wonderful that the Lord would send the perfect, willing friend to help you with your task. God bless your efforts, and I’m so glad you were able to accomplish so much….not just the painting, but sharing His praises, as well 🙂
I feel ya on that painting. Painting can be a chore unless you have some help then it can be fun! 🙂
Painting can be so messy. How kind of you to do this for your parents Beth. And how like the Lord to prompt a friend at just the right time. And best of all …she obeyed. It’s more fun to paint with a friend.
Blessings and love,
What an awesome friend! Painting around furniture? I could totally get behind that. Of course, I would have to scoop my husband up off the floor! Friends like that are God’s blessings walking! You are an awesome daughter!!!!!….!!!!!