"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future."
Photo-a-day Challenge

Photo-a-day Challenge

  Day 1:   Self-Portrait Day 2:  Busy Oh my goodness!  If you saw my canning posts you will agree!  Oh, the corn ... the green beans ... the peas ...  I'm glad the canning is mostly behind me for this year. Day 3: Best part of my day I love to sneak out to our...

Is my FLESH showing again?

Is my FLESH showing again?

Last Sunday one of our pastors, Morgan Bates, shared a great message about the battle within ourselves to do what is good and right. This week I found myself tired (from several days of working until midnight).  I want to use that as an excuse, but honestly there is...

Embracing My Southern Heritage

Embracing My Southern Heritage

It is harvest time for the garden~ Of course the corn waited until the temperatures were 3 digits before it needed picking!  I started picking Friday morning at 6am and finished 6 long rows by 8am.  Even in those early hours before the sun was too bright, the humidity...

Thoughts and words~ Super Weapons!

Thoughts and words~ Super Weapons!

Do you love God's Word? I do!  I love that the words are alive and ancient.  I love that the Author is the Holy Spirit!  He inspired the men who penned His thoughts and words.   That same Holy Spirit inspires us today!   He is our Teacher and our Comforter! I have a...

Want a smile?

Want a smile?

Remember when I purchased our last 6 chickens?  They were such cute little chicks!  We held them as much as possible -- attempting to tame them. Our Rhode Island Reds aren't that cuddly, so we had hoped that our Buff Orpintons, Silver-Laced Wyondottes, and Ameraucanas...

Are you starving?

Are you starving?

What a glorious morning we are having!  I stepped out on our deck to spend some time with the Lord and I was greeted with a cool breeze.  I had on my gown and a robe, but wanted to retreat to find a blanket!  It felt like fall outside.  Very exciting!  I am ready for...