Photo-a-day [July]
Ready for the challenge? Lets go! Day 6: Chair This is not just a chair, but a HIGH chair -- a very special high chair to me! It belonged to my daddy's family. He sat in it as a child (and remember, he was 90 when he died). Most likely all of his siblings used...
Oh, His Love!
How can we begin to fathom the love of God? I rarely read the Message version, but I thought this scripture was perfect for the photo: God's love for us ... that is exactly what we all need to grasp. I love how the Message version states the deeper God's love, the...
Look closer …
This really got to me this morning. Things are still so fresh from the passing of my parents. Rehabilitation center full of older, seemingly neglected folks ... Hospice, nurses, home care agencies, medicine, home care equipment, oxygen tanks ... the list goes on and...
Are you Knocking?
This scripture keeps popping up before me. I think it was Friday morning when I spent time with the Lord that my eyes landed on these same scriptures in the gospel of Matthew. This morning I stopped on them in Luke. Luke 11:9-10 So I say to you: Ask and it will be...
We are Southern Fried!
Wow, I thought it was hot for my girls back in May when I wrote the last update on my chickens, but here in July the heat is CRAZY! I feel sorry for them! Look at this temperature! Some of the ways I have attempted to keep them comfortable is to spray their runners to...
Words, Hems, and Hands – OH MY!
I was just reading in the book of Matthew and I was asking the Lord some questions about healing. When I got to this story, I was reminded of something Sandra Kennedy shared with us last year. Do you remember the story of Jesus and the centurion? The centurion...