It is so easy to lose focus sometimes. Especially where there are so many people pulling me in different directions. I know my life is not my own. It was purchased by Jesus with a great price. But when people demand of my time, He seems to be the one who loses...
A Peculiar People
When I gathered these eggs yesterday I immediately thought of the scripture about us being a peculiar people. 1 Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of Him who hath called...
Totally Random Randomness
This post is totally random. For starters, when we returned home yesterday we discovered that a couple of families decided to go through our corn maze (even though we were CLOSED). We don't even open until this Saturday. The funny thing is, we have these people on...
Reasons to Shout!
Last night, Andres Bisonni gave a precious message, but this one comment he made stood out to me above the rest: If we are Christians, we truly have something to REJOICE about! Here are some reasons right here: Psalm 146:5-10 Blessed is he whose help is the God of...
Manners. A lost art.
Last night our sweet daughter's Junior Cheer Squad cheered for the first time at their homecoming game. As with most activities at a school, Moms were recruited to help herd the children (since many of the parents choose to let them run wild like a pack of wolves). ...
I miss you.
Hi Mama and Daddy, I'm sure you are completely unaware of how much time has passed since you left this earthly realm. It seems like you were just here -- yet your passing could have been a lifetime ago. I have pretty much moved on with my life, but moments like this...