He started it, but she finished it!
I was weeding through some emails this morning and opened one from the Elijah List. I found a great article by Victoria Boyson entitled the War Against the Harvest. The first part of her article really spoke to me because I have had this very thing happen. Out of...
Mercy triumphs over judgement. I am so grateful that I have a merciful heavenly Father - the God of all creation! He, who set the planets into their places, cares about ME and is merciful with ME. He knows my heart even better than I do. His ears hear my cries and He...
Something in me needs to soften.
Good morning everyone! I awakened at 5:30am and decided to read my Bible. I read Galatians chapters 1 through 5 and stopped around verse 20. This particular scripture stood out to me and convicted me. Galatians 5:14-15 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping...
A thankful heart …
I feel convicted when I begin to whine about this season each year. Each summer my husband and others plant our corn maze. There is a lot of physical labor involved for the men, but FOR ME -- emails and phone calls bombard my space. Colossians 3:15 Let the peace of...
I have a big secret to share!
I have been about to burst for 30 days to share something with you all!!! Keeping a secret like this has been difficult to say the least! Several years ago I lost 60 pounds easily by cutting out all processed foods. It worked GREAT for me and I kept the weight off...
It happened eight years ago!
Psalm 127:3 Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him. For many years this scripture caused me pain. My husband and I longed for a child and the years just seemed to melt away like wax. Before we knew it, 15 years of marriage had passed and...