Today was my day to take Daddy to UNC for his hormone therapy treatments. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer around 9 or 10 years ago. By the time they found it, the cancer had already metastasized to his spine. The doctors thought he would live for about 3 more years. Well, hallelujah — ONLY God knows the number of our days.
So, off to the hospital we went. We arrived safely, found valet parking, checked in, got lab work done, then headed to the waiting room upstairs. Let me take this opportunity to just say I DON’T LIKE HOSPITALS. I am grateful for them, but I don’t like being there.
The room was full of people. It was obvious that some were very sick, paper thin, no hair, and weak. Other people were clinging to their spouses as if this was a new experience for them. My heart was breaking. I especially hated to see someone sitting alone. I am the lady always asking people, “Would you like a magazine? Can I get you anything?” The entire time I am looking around the room praying for everyone, crying out for healing.
I noticed one lady who looked about my age. She seemed to have a lot of nervous energy and was grumbling about how long it was taking the nurses to call her back. I suddenly recognized this woman. I remembered her walking around my Suburban (3 months ago) as I waited in the valet line. I saw her cursing at me because she thought I was in her way. I prayed for her that day — and now here I was — face to face with her. I started to talk to this lady and her hard shell immediately began to crumble. Everyone just needs kindness and the love of Jesus, right?
It was all I could do to not to run up to these people and ask if I could pray with them. I could hardly hold myself back from extending my hand and extending the love of Jesus. I just wanted to pray for them! I wanted to touch them, hold them — let them feel the power of the Holy Spirit!
So many people have never felt His presence! I just wanted them to know how much God loves them.
I don’t know why I’m rambling about this, but I just can’t shake it.
The day will come when I will see the sick healed in the Name of Jesus! I’ve seen it in small doses. We have had many people healed on Wednesday nights — I have felt my own leg grow in the Name of Jesus. His Name is POWERFUL! I believe the day will come when I will see people run out of the waiting rooms HEALED!
You are so sweet to be so moved at the needs of these precious people who only need the love of Jesus. I work full-time outside the home and when I retire I plan to volunteer in an ICU or CCU waiting room, or perhaps in an oncology unit. Angels like you have helped me and my family make it through some difficult times. God bless you for serving God as you are heading toward your destiny! I hope your dad is doing well with his therapy! Thanks for your visit to my blog for Thankful Thursday. *Hugs* Laurie Ann
I love your obedience to the promptings of God. Your heart so good, fertile soil.
Have a blessed week.
thanks for the perspective Beth…you are precious and what a blessing that you were there to pray for these peole…
You were probably the only Jesus that woman may have ever seen Beth. And as she crumbled I am so glad you were there with the love and compassion that He demonstrates!
Bless you as you are filled with His promptings. Hugs to you sweet one!
I pray your father is doing better.
Your heart reflects God’s heart –and His heart is always moved by people. Thank you for sharing your experience. I pray for you as you walk this journey with your dad. I know how difficult it is.
I am glad you made it through the mirey weather in this area today…The oncology unit is a tough one. Your sweet spirit shines through.
You were there for His purpose. What a blessing to know that God puts angels like you in our midst, while we hurt unaware, prayers are being lifted up on our behalf. I just love this post.
When I work at the police station, there are times I answer 911 and begin praying for them. It is hard to listen to a loved one calling for an ambulance for their other half…very painful. Prayers are so powerful!
You have such a kind heart. Even though you don’t like hospitals you’d be great in healthcare because you care. I’ve found that most people who appear angry and impatient are usually hurting inside. I often pray that I could view people through Jesus’ eyes and see past the outward acts. It helped me when I had to deal with many angry heart patients as a nurse.
This is POWERFUL!!!
That’s all I can say. Powerful!
I know how you feel, I went with my mom today in the terrible blizzard and everyone was so sick they did not dare miss their appt. I had once done a mammogram on a patient who knew she had cancer, I prayed with her right in the exam room the Spirit took over me and before I could have a second thought I was hugging her praying in her ear. I have a burden for anyone who does not know Jesus, I could not live without Him.
Hospitals are hard walks; yet almost always our portion at some point in the journey. I’ve walked my fair share with friends over the years. And while I’d rather not call them home, I have found God’s presence so clearly while there, knowing that he is ever close to the sick and weary and brokenhearted.
Thank you for being a kind soul and a loving daughter. Truly, you’ve invested in our Father’s kingdom business this week.
I love what you had to say. It was so sincere and heartfelt. There are a lot of people crying out for something (healing, peace, joy, etc.), but at the same they have a guard up like it’s nobody’s busines.
But the power of prayer has a miraculous way of pulling down and destroying that defensive shield. You may not have physically lay hands on the people in the waiting room, but the internal prayer you prayed for them has just as much power and anointing.
God had you there for a reason. No telling what may happen on the next appointment. All I can say is…..Expect the Unexpected. Just be prepared.
Have a great and bless weekend!!
Won’t that be a great day… Believing for healing with you. I want to see these signs and wonders on earth!
Beth, how much you look like your Father in this post…
Keep extending His love!
God Bless (and thanks for dropping by my blog!)
Sounds like you were a blessing to all who were there. :o)
Lifting your dad in prayer…