I heard the most interesting information one night while watching Ryan Wyatt with Abiding Glory Ministries.
Ryan said that he used to work in the deliverance ministry and what he shared really confirmed some things that I have told people for years: Demons whisper in our ears using first person (glad to know I wasn’t off base with that one). Satan and his demons place thoughts in our minds, “I hate myself,” “I’m such a loser, ” “I’m such a failure,” and then we begin to meditate on those thoughts. After time we begin to speak it out of our mouths and it gives the demon a legal right. (In the deliverance ministry, he heard demons tell him “We have legal right to be here” and often it was because of the person’s confession.) IT IS THAT SIMPLE. God help us watch what comes out of our mouths!
Proverbs 18:21 declares, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
This is what really caught my attention. God opened the eyes of his friend so that he could see in the spirit realm 24 hours a day for 4 months! (Can you IMAGINE?) He saw warfare around the saved and unsaved at every given moment. He realized that WE empower the kingdom of darkness or the Kingdom of Light. He said most believers were completely ignorant of what was going on (due to their lack of knowledge of the supernatural). Can I hear an AMEN here?
This man SAW that WORDS, THOUGHTS, AND EMOTIONS were ALL a form of language in the spirit realm. Now how eye-opening is that?!?!?! Maybe I should write that again. God showed this man that WORDS, THOUGHTS, AND EMOTIONS were all a form of LANGUAGE in the spirit realm. There is a level of communication beyond human words. He saw that in the realm of the spirit that THOUGHTS were even more powerful than the SPOKEN WORDS a lot of times. Did you read that? Our THOUGHT LIFE MAKES A DIFFERENCE.
Philippians 4:8 declares, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
He saw that if someone was thinking ANGRY or BITTER THOUGHTS, it would release a fragrance and a COLOR. It was like blood in the water for sharks. He said demons would start to smell and see it. The anger, bitterness, pride, etc … would draw the demonic around it and empower the demonic realm to come around the people. Another scripture we were given about our THOUGHTS:
2 Corinthians 10:5-6 states, “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.” (Emphasis mine.)
In the same way, when people were thinking JOYFUL THINGS (what is noble, pure, lovely) they empowered the kingdom of heaven around them. He would watch people as they praised God, released good thoughts, and good confession … and saw how they would draw the angels and the realm of the Holy Spirit around them.
We have no idea the kind of authority we give the enemy on a daily basis.
What a great reminder to watch our confession and even our thought life!
Thank you so much for your very uplifting words on my blog the last few days.
Your post is so powerful. Our tongue and mind is indeed very powerful. Thank you so much for sharing this. A much needed reminder during these troubled times, when it is so easy to get discouraged.
I found the greatest freedom when I was reading one of Neil Anderson’s books..The Bondage Breaker. “Satan will put his own thoughts into your mind and try to have you believe that they are your’s”. I still remember telling a friend, ‘those thoughts that we have been having AREN’T our’s. All this time we have believed we are terrible, sick people for thinking like this. These are Satan’s lies and we were believing that they were our thoughts”….
POWERFUL post Beth. It is SO important for us Believers to be very wise in that tactics that Satan uses…Thanks SO much for sharing…
Ginger is SO right on,,our tongut and mind are indeed powerful..Proverbs talks about it ALOT…
This was awesome, Beth…your posts are always like medicine for my soul!
I think we do not realize how powerful our tongues are, but also the way we allow thoughts to roll around in our mind
Beautiful scripture and words, Beth. Thanks, friend!
What a post! May we never forget the power of our words. Thank you for the reminder my friend!
Hi Beth, Wonderful and Powerful post! Our Pastor always teaches to never confess our weekness … as to not give satan freedom to work!
I am so glad you like my new look! I can’t thank you enough for the fabulous giveaway! It was a pleasure to work with Tara too..she is a talanted gal!
Blessings, Nancy
A powerful and enlightening post, Beth! The battle of the mind has been a big struggle for me over the last few years. I have always been able to “hold my tongue” so to speak, but it has been an ongoing battle to keep bitterness away. I have had to choose to walk in love and forgiveness on a daily basis! It has not been easy. Things are much improved, but I still have a long way to go. This post definitely opened my eyes. Thanks so much.
Love you, precious friend…
P.S. Our former pastor’s wife has always taught us that we ONLY hear two voices in our thoughts…God and the enemy. If what we hear is NOT uplifting and edifying, then we know who’s whispering in our ear. Don’t listen!
Wow my friend, such a great, truthful post.
Wow, that was great Beth, thank you. I am learning how important our thoughts and words are. Thank you for sharing.