Here we are driving up to the house. I finally got a picture of the cows grazing near our home. Aren’t they peaceful looking?

I know you really didn’t miss me because I had 3 posts scheduled while I was gone, but trust me — I was in DIAL-UP dungeon! Out of desperation, I tried to sign onto my blogspot yesterday. This is what I saw …

Then I saw my header and one column of my page.

And this is what happened. Boo hoo!

On a totally different note, my husband, daughter, and I drove through Alleghany county to see the damage of a tornado that tore through the area last week. You can see some professional pictures of the devastation HERE, but here is a picture I took. The trees were broken like matchsticks.

We saw one double-wide trailer that was in the path of the tornado. It literally broke trees behind the home, then skipped it and started destroying on the other side of the yard. I have no doubt that angels guarded this home. The flowers were still in the pots — no pedals were damaged. Amazing!

Ok Friends, I just wanted to touch base. Though you’ve been “seeing” me around, I have felt out of touch. I pray everyone is having an awesome weekend! Remember to keep the Sabbath holy tomorrow.