Here we are driving up to the house. I finally got a picture of the cows grazing near our home. Aren’t they peaceful looking?

We saw one double-wide trailer that was in the path of the tornado. It literally broke trees behind the home, then skipped it and started destroying on the other side of the yard. I have no doubt that angels guarded this home. The flowers were still in the pots — no pedals were damaged. Amazing!
Ok Friends, I just wanted to touch base. Though you’ve been “seeing” me around, I have felt out of touch. I pray everyone is having an awesome weekend! Remember to keep the Sabbath holy tomorrow.
Yes God is amazing –flowers still in pots and the Angels of the LORD watching over people!!
You are cute with your desperation in dial up.
Beautiful photos of your mountain home and the animals. Peaceful!
Have a beautiful remainder to your weekend.
Love ya.
Okay I’m leaving you a comment lol. The house is beautiful! I love the picture.
Have a blessed day!
Yes, beautiful pictures of your home. I’m sure God blessed you while you were away in the mountains as well. He always does, doesn’t He!
Amazing that the flowers were still in their pots, but the God is AMAZING!
Love you,
awwwwww – poooooorrrrrr girl! (yes – a beautiful house – and what devestation.)
And I DID miss you! Truly!
Love those cows on a hill. Very pretty. Sorry about the internet…I would boo hoo too.
Atleast you have internet even though it is slow.
I LOVE your house, Beth…so gorgeous and my dream come true! Your cows are even pretty! LOL! Tornados are such devastating storms…glad that home survived, as did their flowers! God was DEFINITELY watching closely over them!
Every time I see a picture of your beautiful mountain home…I want to come for a visit! It looks like a perfect place to get away from “life” and relax with your family. What a perfect place to also reflect on all of God’s blessings and His creation.
I know the damage a tornado can do to a town…my hometown where my mother and sister still live was hit hard a year ago and the damage was unbelievable. But, not a single window, shingle or anything was damaged on her home. With all the destruction in town…not one life was lost either. My uncle was in his truck, driving home when the tornado hit him and threw him and his truck into a field. He survived with many injuries but it didn’t kill him.
God is so good!!!
Have a wonderful trip and enjoy it!
How beautiful to look out your front window and see those cows! I am assuming that is your house that’s in the picture.
No wonder you love to go!
I love the photo of the front of your mountain retreat. The cows look peaceful. I’m sure it’s good to get away.
What a beautiful home, Beth! And all that green grass. Bet you took that just for me. So glad God protected everything.
Okay..I just want to say that I want to go to your house!!!!!!! LOL!
I burst out laughing at your boo hooing, LOL LOL..what a friend you have in me,,blush blush!!
I LOVE the pic of your house…the cows do look peaceful and filled with satisfaction being surrounded by such a wonderful place to graze…
Enjoy your time away…and know your being prayed for and loved. Even if I laugh at your boo
nothing like the mountains even though internet up there is not great, it is still in my opinion one of the most amazing places on earth.
Nice pictures, sister Beth. Lovely house. It looks so peaceful, you can tell, the “cows” are happy 🙂
I pray everyone is okay where the tornado hit.
Have a great weekend. God bless.
We had a tornado in our town last year. It touched down about 2-3 miles from our home. The picture you have of the snapped trees reminds me of what happened to the trees (and homes) here. We are so tucked into the mountains, I believe we all thought we’d never have a tornado. Obviously, we were wrong!
I’m glad you’re back…come to see me! :o)
Wow, beautiful picture with the cows and your home. Looks like something you would see on a calendar. You crack me up with your crying though. Then the tornado, my good-ness! And God is so much better than good, right? the flowers were not damaged! He was in it I’m sure.
What a beautiful place!
Prayers for all the people affected by the tornado.
Thanks for touching base! Glad you’re back!
you have a beautiful home! i bet you make it very warm and cozy too!
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Thanks for touching base, Beth. I am glad you were able to.
The picture with the cows is very beautiful and peaceful.
Your story about the untouched trailer from tornado is really a testimony of God’s loving hand.
Enjoy your stay there. 🙂
Beautiful picture of your home. So thankful you were untouched by the weather damage.
I’m glad you are home safely and have INTERNET.
I do hope you have a blessed Sunday!
Glad you made it safely home my friend! I wouldn’t know what to do without my DSL connection. It’s one of those conveniences in life that I am willing to pay a little extra for.
Take care my friend!
Hope you are having a great Sonday!
HI Beth,
Miss you and it seems like I have been away so long, but I had to come over and give you a ((hugz))).Thanks for checking in and sharing these photos. Now my projects are over I can relax and blog and visit mt sistah
s again.
Luv ya Lorie
I’ve been gone this weekend too! Up to a town in the north part of Michigan called Traverse City. I went with my sister Kam for our Annual Mom’s away weekend! I’ll post about it later! Hope you guys had a great trip too!
looks like a beautiful place for retreat. Take lots of photos and share when your back with faster connection. Don’t fret too much.
Many Blessings,
Beautiful home!!
I am sorry to hear about your dial-up fiasco.
It could be a lot worse. 🙂
Beth, awesome pictures. Love the greenery of God’s beauty. Thank you for opening up your home to us. Blessings!
Such lovely pictures.
WOW, those snapped off trees is an amazing photo. Goodness!!! Years and years of growth snapped down in a moment.
What great pics! We went through Greensburg a couple months after the tornado and boy talk about devastation.