Well, several read my last “Not Me Monday” post about the painter walking into my nightmare of a utility room … so I thought I’d show you WHY the painter was at our house.

Our little princess had a very YELLOW nursery. While waiting for our blessed bundle to arrive, we didn’t know if God would bring us a girl or boy. The funny thing is, BEFORE we painted it YELLOW (gag), it had beautiful antique rosey (is that a word?) wall paper with a rose pink bottom. IF we had only known we were having a girl!!! Oh well … so we had the yellow to deal with.

Here is a picture of the yellow room last week. Notice the green and purple chairs? What was I thinking?!?!?! The answer is, I WASN’T. Sigh.Now, after much hard work (God bless the painters) — here is our daughter’s “big girl” room! She is thrilled! The only thing missing is the white butterfly silhouette decals (Pottery Barn Kids) that will go on the wall behind her bed. You can’t tell from the picture below, but that is a butterfly chandelier hanging over her bed — white paper butterflies.