This morning I received the dreaded 1:20am phone call.  Of course my heart always jumps in my throat when the phone rings in the middle of the night.

This call was from my brother stating that he was going to take Daddy to the hospital.  I was needed to go sit with my Mom.  

Honestly, I felt such peace.  It was COLD out and the sound was still.  Do you know what I mean?  Not a sound outside.  The world seemed to sleep.

As I traveled in the morning hours to my parent’s house, I began to pray for each family in the homes that I passed.  I prayed for those who were alone … I prayed for each person to know God more intimately … the list goes on and on.

I returned home at 6:00am (Daddy is “ok” for now) and enjoyed seeing everyone awaken as the sun began to barely cast a light on the horizon.  I prayed again until I was so moved that I couldn’t see through my tears.

Even though I’ve been operating all day on 3 hours of sleep, it started out with some sweet time on the cold dark roads.  Thank You Lord!