I can’t believe it is time for “Not Me” Monday again! This is when we link up with MckMama at My Charming Kids to confess share some of the things we did didn’t do this past week!
I wasn’t the Mom who was about to lose her temper with her precious daughter while trying to get to a Mom’s brunch at her church! What type of Mom would be so unholy while on her way to church? NOT ME! Surely, not me.
It certainly wasn’t my daughter who hid the container of cat litter behind the shower curtain!
It also wasn’t my daughter who hid the Pledge furniture polish in her refrigerator!
It wasn’t my daughter who hid her parent’s hand soap in their dirty clothes hamper!
It wasn’t my daughter who hid her Mom’s necklace in her room.
I’m glad I’m not the Mom who had to rewash clothes because she left them sitting in the washer too long (due to her blogging obsession hobby).
It wasn’t me who insulted the same lady that was posted about several weeks ago. Sheesh. LOL I’m glad I wasn’t chewing on my FOOT again! What in the world?!?!?
That is it for me this week (thankfully)! Happy Monday everyone. For more NMM posts, click HERE.
That was hilarious Beth, my son has flushed my glasses and I have left clothes in the wash and needed to re wash…. I can so relate.
My kids never missplace my things either…and I never almost lose my temper:)
Very Funny! I can’t tell you how many loads of laundry I’ve had to wash over. Will I ever learn.
Thanks for visiting my blogs and for bringing a smile to my day with yours. I have to confess I’ve also had to rewash laundry that sat in the washer too long! lol
Oh I always forget to do this on Mondays-next week for sure. Hey, check out my fun contest today.:)
Ah! I do not envy you that! I am just hoping our house is too small for them to hide anything for too long!
Many blessings-
Hi Beth,
Just wanted you to know that you inspired me this morning to keep going. I clicked on and saw how much weight that you lost and that was encouraging to me. Just wanted you to know.
Oh Beth! You are too funny! I’ve never had any of that happen to me. No, not me!
Cute…sounds like your little one likes to hide. 🙂
I was scrolling to look for Tara’s button so I could email her. I saw your button that says Abortion and then Adoption in place. That is really cool. Who would’ve thought that two words so closely related (involving children) could be so easily interchanged with just two letters. That would be a great post.
Is your logo “Blogging for Jesus” something of your ownership or did you get that off the web. If it was a freeby off the web, I’d like to grab it and post it on my sidebar but if you have ownership, I would never do that.
Sarah likes to hide things and keep mommy on her toes.
I LOVE YOUR DAUGHTER!!I was cracking up. I love the cat litter in the shower and pledge in the frig. O, I know why I liked the pledge in the frig one. It’s because I have been guilty of putting some things in the frig like the puppy shampoo and then went on a rant as to who had the puppy shampoo!! As if to suggest that someone would even want it other than the pups (smile).
Love ya.
this is such a cute and funny Momday meme. Yet I know convicting as well.
You make me giggle with your NOT ME MONDAY’s.
I grabbed your button and added it to my side bar!!
Oh my goodness the rewashing of clothes happens here regularly ….. hangs her head in shame!!
That was a great Not Me list Beth…i am however the one usually misplacing things because i want to put them where i won’t forget them LOL..
Oh, I never raise my voice at my kids…especially right before church!!!!!!!!!! LOLOL!!
You are so funny, Beth! I love reading these…because I can relate to nearly all of them.
Have a blessed week, my sweet sista!
Life at your house must be one big treasure hunt! BTW, I had to rewash clothes this week too.
I’ve had to rewash clothes for the same reason too. Your daughter may be taking after her mom? You always make me smile!
I came across your comment over at Alicia’s and just had to pop over here since you’re the first blogger I’ve ever met in NC (as I am).
Your “nots” made me smile. Particularly the one regarding not rewashing your clothes. I’m not guilty of that, at all. 😉
Hi Beth! This is great, thanks for posting it. Is the hiding things a phase?
I’m so glad we are nothing alike my friend :o) I have never had to rewash the laundry and I have definitely never lost my temper. Nope, not me!
No, not you, lol
Hahaha! You little girl sure has been busy. lol Hope nothing else goes MIA. :o)