Wow, is it ALREADY that time again? Monday = Not Me Monday (woo hoo!). Join in on the fun and link with MckMama at My Charming Kids and share some things you’d rather not admit happened this week.
For instance … Not me! I wasn’t the Mom who picked up her “spray-on tan in a can” instead of her “leave-in hair conditioner” bottle! That’s right! You read it correctly! Just because they sit next to each other on my dresser does NOT excuse the fact that some hair received a paint job!!! It also wasn’t me who immediately had to wash my hair again!
I didn’t do it! Nope, not me! I didn’t put a big fattening delicious tasting chocolate chip cookie in my mouth. I also didn’t chew it up completely before deciding the cookie was from the calorie devil and needed to go! It wasn’t me who opened up the trashcan and spit out the chocolate liquid before it touched my throat. Nope, not me! I wouldn’t be so gross! Nor would I leave it sitting there for others to find.
Not me, I wasn’t eating a delicious salad so quickly that I literally heard the “crunch” when I bit my tongue! Nope, I didn’t expect to see blood! Thankfully, the crunch was worse than the bite. Ha.
Not me, I didn’t have a huge paragraph sharing an embarrassing situation, then deleted it because it was a little off color. Ha. Oh well, that makes this week’s post a bit short. Just know that I was “not” falsely accused of something DISGUSTING that my sweet husband did. It was NOT my precious daughter who announced it to a bunch of strangers as my husband rolled laughing. Ok, enough about that.
For more Not Me Monday shenanigans, visit MckMama HERE.
Well, Beth, I once, accidentally, sprayed my hair with Scrubbin’ Bubbles bathroom cleaner, instead of hairspray! Does that make you feel any better?:)
I really wish you hadn’t deleted that paragraph you wrote…inquiring minds want to know…ME!
Thanks for getting my day off on a good note this morning…you crack me up, girl!
So did the spray tan come out of your pretty blong hair the first time or did you need to wash your hair again? Too funny. Not really funny, but well, you know.
I love reading what you are not confessing:-)
The chocolate chip cookie devil. I have to remember that one. Too funny.
Beth I always look forward to reading your Not Me posts – they are hillarious!! And btw, Not me – I’m not the one who posted about my husband joking about a “threesome!” (remember that one?) – talk about off color! LOL!!! Kim
Always such a fun post to read! I also had a few klutzy moments last week, but it’s the way you write about yours that makes all the difference.
Thank you Beth for yet again putting a smile on my face!
Ha ha ha, had to laugh that you DID NOT bite your tongue that hard this week either!!! It’ll make sense when you read MY not me’s today. =0)
Oh, goodness…I thought a lot about Not Me Monday this week…I guess I wasn’t the only one. I can’t remember most of the absurdity, but maybe that is a good thing!
Happy Monday!
I think I can guess what that was! LOL. I love when you post on this topic on Mondays. Right now, I needed a good laugh and so I know where to go. Thanks friend.
No way, not you, lol
Ooooh, man Beth – that hairspray/tanner thing is TOOO much! thanks for the giggles!
I literally cringed when I read you bit your tongue! And LOL at the spray tan!!
You are cracking me up. Sorry about biting your tongue. OUCH. I can’t believe you spit out the cookie. Good for you.
I am happy that you are still participating in “Not Me Monday.” I’ve missed it.
oh my! Not the spray tan!!! Oh, no!
Oh wow! Kind of sounds like the week we are having. Good for you for spitting out the cookie, though…that’s torture.
I am on day 24 and I am doing level 3.
I wish I was seeing more of a change, but I haven’t been doing the diet program. I know I am getting a lot stronger and more toned.
I’ve done that before with spitting out stuff just so I wouldn’t swallow it. It tasted good in the mouth though. LOL!